Having had three weeks in Scotland with only a few wet days, now I'm back in Wales and it is decidedly damp!
At least there are not too many midges here, unlike when The Pirate was finishing packing the car on Tuesday morning...it was apparently the worst he'd seen in twenty years...and as soon as we'd finished, they disappeared!!
The Carpenter and The Oily One survived without me...although the catering left something to be desired, apparently, after The Carpenter's hand had a plaster cast. It took an MRI scan for the hospital to find two broken bones from the accident with the car. Hopefully that will be off next Monday.
It was a good journey, starting at 8.30 am as The Pirate's lane was being resurfaced, and it is the only way out for nearly a dozen households.
Stops were taken regularly as the Nissan Figaro is only a little car and it was, shall we say, well packed!! We met friends on the way, did business, enjoyed the journey and arrived at about 11pm...
It is still a tiring journey, however you do it.
Now we're preparing for the next three weeks....checking bikes and equipment for The Pirate's training and racing. Dealing with three weeks' growth of weeds on the allotment, when we get a dry day.