Sunday 30 June 2024



A garden overview..then looking to the hills behind the house 
And towards the Clyde..

Garden.. progress

 Bit by bit....with a break to meet friends for a cuppa....should have checked when their ride would be just had the cuppa.

The garden is crying out for "summer"....I had thought that the squash plants would be well on their way and ready to go out.....

The tomatoes are getting taller...but are rather skinny...

But the paths are just about clear. The grass on the sides needs another cut to be short enough for the mower...but it is ok for now.

The flowers are blooming in the garden...high time I weeded the pots where the roses are growing!!

Saturday 29 June 2024

Garden.. neglected

 What happens when you leave a garden for ten days...

The birds get the redcurrants...the weeds grow...the blackfly get on the broad beans...and the garlic lies down!

This afternoon I mowed the grass, put string supports up for the peas, cut back brambles, trimmed around one bed, lifted the garlic, took the side shoots off the tomatoes and picked a litre tub of gooseberries!!

There are some blackcurrants and alpine strawberries that need picking before the birds get them too!!

Thursday 27 June 2024

Going home

 Halfway there or thereabouts..

I am in a chain hotel on the edge of Warrington . Luckily the room doesn't face the A road or the Motorway...there is a slight breeze moving the curtains, thankfully.

The room temperature is 24⁰ least they have provided a large fan!!

220 miles done today with three good stops...and despite having less than 70 miles of motorway in that, most of the journey has rolled on well.

Wednesday 26 June 2024


 I have had a lovely relaxed couple of days staying with my bro...

The wife of one of Pirate's contemporary competitors , at the celebration, gave me a bottle of bubbly to last night we went over to his best mate from uni and work and his wife and they made chilli con fave and rice...with glasses of bubbly!!

Then today we went twenty minutes up the road to see friends of mine...a 6'8" potter who looks like Gandalf...the plan was coffee and cake and chat in the morning. We were chatting for four hours...and had plenty more we could have carried on with!!

Then a picnic lunch in the park...supper at home...and diagnosing the long-standing intermittent fault on my car.

The automatic self levelling mechanism isn't working at times stops the dipped headlight on one side from working.

At least now we know what needs sorting....and I'm driving in daylight...and there isn't rain forecast!!

So a lovely break and on the road again tomorrow.

Tuesday 25 June 2024


 Now with my brother for a couple of days.

We decided that after a long day driving (180 miles) a walk before supper was a good idea...and we found a few large oak trees!

Sunday 23 June 2024

Possees and friends

 The gathering was a success...nice sunny weather...apart from a brief downpour!!

Family, friends, cycling friends, work friends...all finding new things about Pirate....and mixing and chatting...

Perfick !! ❤️

Today I went with Pirate's nephew to see someone with the same surname as Pirate's mum....if I am right, a seventh cousin or so...going back to brother's in the early 1700s!!

We chatted for two hours....and when we got back he was in the bad books as lunch was at 1pm....and we were a bit late!!

There was so much to talk about...and we are all looking forward to meeting up again next time I am down in Kent...and they will pass on my details to his youngest son who has done some family research.

Friday 21 June 2024

On my travels

 I managed my first long run in the car alone for many years...and now I'm in Kent ready for Pirate's celebration and sharing memories, tomorrow.

I'm glad I took 2½ days to get down here..

Now I am staying with Pirate's nephew and wife and their two terriers..siblings..and they have a good garden too.

I don't think I could live here...the constant traffic noise....but we did take the dogs for a walk this morning...there are some pleasant walks straight from the house...