Wednesday 26 June 2024


 I have had a lovely relaxed couple of days staying with my bro...

The wife of one of Pirate's contemporary competitors , at the celebration, gave me a bottle of bubbly to last night we went over to his best mate from uni and work and his wife and they made chilli con fave and rice...with glasses of bubbly!!

Then today we went twenty minutes up the road to see friends of mine...a 6'8" potter who looks like Gandalf...the plan was coffee and cake and chat in the morning. We were chatting for four hours...and had plenty more we could have carried on with!!

Then a picnic lunch in the park...supper at home...and diagnosing the long-standing intermittent fault on my car.

The automatic self levelling mechanism isn't working at times stops the dipped headlight on one side from working.

At least now we know what needs sorting....and I'm driving in daylight...and there isn't rain forecast!!

So a lovely break and on the road again tomorrow.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMG - belated greetings. Now I have to send a grovelly letter to my wee sister... cos it means I also forgot her! The days are just shovelling by and I've been too preoccupied with unwell aging relos... So glad you had a good time with family and friends. Drive safe to home. YAM xx

Granny Sue said...

Well happy birthday! It sounds like a perfect day--good friends, good food, good drink, family. Safe travels tomorrow as you make your way north
BTW, this is also the birthday of wonderful storyteller Karen Vuranch, and stellar Applalachian old time musician Mack Samples, both good friends of mine. The stars must have aligned perfectly for 3 such talented people to share this day!

angela said...

Happy birthday. Sounds like you had a wonderful day catching up with everyone.

Susan Heather said...

It sounds as though you had a lovely day catching up with friends and family.

Susan said...

Sending good cheer and Happy B-day wishes. Your B-day meal and bubbly with good friends sounds delightful. Traveling home in daylight as a gentle pace sounds just right.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

A very happy birthday to you! -Jenn

Red said...

It's a good time to be together with friends and relatives.

Bovey Belle said...

Belated Happy Birthday - it sounds like you had a grand day - chatting to friends is always so relaxing.

Glad the car fault is sorted too.

JayCee said...

Glad that you had a happy birthday celebration. Safe driving x

Fresca said...

My best wishes for this coming year, Cancer baby! (Caring, nurturing, creative...)
Sounds a good beginning to a new year--celebrating and connecting with the past, then driving into the new future. . . with some wounds and wobbles maybe, but known ones.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a lovely sounding birthday. And since you're now another year older, you must of course be wiser, healthier, richer, lovelier, more talented etc etc. And glad you found the car problem, silly to hear what it was!

northsider said...

Happy birthday GZ.

Steve Reed said...

Happy birthday! Glad you've had a good visit and you're getting the car sorted. I have no idea what a self-levelling mechanism does (beyond a basic guess), nor did I even know such a thing existed.

gz said...

Steve the self leveling mechanism means that you can load the car up and that will move the lights back down to the correct angle..a brilliant idea..when it works!

Jeanie said...

I love mornings and days/visits like that. How wonderful to be spending time wiht your brother (and to have one to spend it with!).

Sending you a VERY happy birthday from across the pond! I hope you continue the celebration indefinitely!

Elderberry-Rob said...

Sorry it's late - many happy returns! Betty