Thursday 27 June 2024

Going home

 Halfway there or thereabouts..

I am in a chain hotel on the edge of Warrington . Luckily the room doesn't face the A road or the Motorway...there is a slight breeze moving the curtains, thankfully.

The room temperature is 24⁰ least they have provided a large fan!!

220 miles done today with three good stops...and despite having less than 70 miles of motorway in that, most of the journey has rolled on well.


northsider said...

Good idea to break up the journey GZ. Is it Travelodge? I find them relatively cheap and cheerful. Some even sell cold beer. Perfect on a hot day.

JayCee said...

Safe journey home.

gz said...

Dave it is actually a Premier ticked all the boxes I need..easy to get to, not too far off route and not too expensive... Thursday was an expensive day in the Travelodges I could have chosen ..and unlike them the WiFi is free😎

angela said...

I’m glad your having a rest half way. Being tired is as bad as drink driving.
First thing I did on my uk tour was ask for a fan at every place we stayed.
Your buildings are definitely not summer proof. Although they would be very warm in the winter
Safe travels

Tom said...

...24⁰C is too hot for me.

Susan said...

Long drives require a few stops to make the ride pleasant. Safe travels, your almost home.

Joanne Noragon said...

Funny how they all look alike, or worse. Safe home.

gz said...

Angela insulation is slowly improving..but buildings are only winter proof by pushing the heating up.

Barbara Rogers said...

Glad to hear you (being a wise woman of course) stopped for a break and a good night's sleep. Enjoy the rest of the journey!

Steve Reed said...

Well, that DOES sound a tad warm!

Granny Sue said...

Whooo, that's pretty warm! But I bet it felt good to stop.

Fresca said...

I hope you rested well and are well home by now (Saturday).
Welcome home--perhaps it is a bit odd to be back?
Good gardening ahead---and pottery???

gz said...

Fresca yes..1. washing done 2. Gardening next 🙂