Saturday 29 June 2024

Garden.. neglected

 What happens when you leave a garden for ten days...

The birds get the redcurrants...the weeds grow...the blackfly get on the broad beans...and the garlic lies down!

This afternoon I mowed the grass, put string supports up for the peas, cut back brambles, trimmed around one bed, lifted the garlic, took the side shoots off the tomatoes and picked a litre tub of gooseberries!!

There are some blackcurrants and alpine strawberries that need picking before the birds get them too!!


JayCee said...

At least yours is growing! Our veg is struggling to get started.

Tom said...

...the critters thought that this for them.

Catalyst said...

Our tomato plant is thriving except when I fail to water it every day.

DB Stewart said...

It just missed you. You will love it back to life and it will love you back to life too. (That's what gardens do.)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...welcome home! YAM xx

gz said...

Jaycee things are slow here too...

Susan Heather said...

It doesn't take long for a garden to get out of control. I am sure you will have it sorted in no time. Make sure to rest though after that long drive and all that has been going on for you recently.

Susan said...

In a day or two you'll have everything ordered again. Your garden is producing pretty well.

angela said...

Still got a good harvest I think.
Do you guys apply mulch to your gardens? We absolutely need to during our hot summers. I use organic sugar cane mulch and it helps keep the ground moist.
Since your summers are becoming hotter it might be a good idea although I’m not sure what you have available for you to use

Red said...

Gardens are great to grow but it takes a lot of work.

gz said...

Angela yes I do mulch...keeps moisture in and helps prevent soil degredation and so reduces carbon release.
Even lawn trimmings and cardboard boxes are doing a good job!

Jeanie said...

Believe me, I can relate!

northsider said...

Have you got plenty of fym?

gz said...

I have some fym...and I am clearing out an old compost bin