Monday 10 June 2024

Slow day

 But with fast wind!!

The plumber was here this morning..the connection behind the toilet was leaking...that was sorted, but the flushing mechanism has had it..I had  my doubts about it a while ago. Plus it has no overflow! So he will be back with the parts for that first thing tomorrow.

A good excuse to steam clean the kitchen and bathroom he will be sealing around the pedestal as well...and giving it time to dry by the time he arrives.

Having worked at distance with my daughter..she designed Pirate's booklet for his Celebrations..I ordered from a printer with a good reputation in Exeter..for delivery to Kent!!  Not wanting to risk them arriving here after I had left for there....

Another thing ticked off The List.

No hope of the strong cold wind easing after lunch, so after a rest I did some potting on in the greenhouse. The Onion Squash are coming along well, faster than the Crown Prince, which surprised me. 

I wonder if Crown Prince needs more warmth and light....when the clouds shade the sun , and at night of course, it is still cold..

I have three varieties this year so I am looking forward to seeing which one does best.

I am looking forward also to getting back to being on adrenaline so long doesn't do any good, and when you stop you have a mess!

I am working on diet and relaxation..but I'm still itching to get my energy back.


Bea said...

Running on adrenaline is no fun. I'm more mindful of diet and relaxation techniques now that I'm, ahem, over a certain age. :D

Here's to you feeling better and healthier! x

Tom said...

...I'd like to get my energy back too!

Debby said...

Do not rush your way back into things. Let your body and your mind have a bit of a break.

How do you steam clean a floor? I've never heard of that before.

Barbara Rogers said...

Good work on the booklets. THis is definitely a time in your life not to push too hard on yourself. Emotional and physical (psychic?) energies need recharging. Of course if I knew better, you'd expect me to be in better shape, so take my advice, but not what I'm doing (maybe pushing myself a bit this week!)

Susan Heather said...

You have had a lot to cope with for some time now. Hope you can get some relaxation.

gz said...

Debby it has a tank which holds about a litre of water..I fill it from the kettle. The top screws in, and is quite strong to withstand pressure. You plug it in..amber light for heating, green for ready. There is a hose about two metres long, to which you can attach a nozzle with a small round brush for corners..then two tubes like a vacuum cleaner and two large one half the size, with a pad for the larger and a cover for the smaller. You can choose half or full pressure steaming...and off you go.
It looks like a small vacuum cleaner...but it blows instead of sucks...and it is bright yellow with black bits!

Steve Reed said...

I had the same question as Debby, so thanks for answering that! Does it work on carpet? I need a gizmo like that.

Good thinking on the printing delivery, to get it sent straight to Kent!

Susan said...

You must be pleased to have the booklet completed. I hope you can go to a slower pace with more time for rest and relaxation. Staying well is key. Your garden is looking good and the veggies will be forthcoming.

smartcat said...

One of the most difficult things about being a care-giver is that we tend to back burner our own problems in order to continue to give love and care. I have stopped being surprised at how many develop health problems after a loved on dies.
Step back, take care of yourself, and most of all, give yourself all the time you want and need. Grief is a weird journey.

Bovey Belle said...

Give yourself a chance to recharge. I know only too well what long term stress does to a body. Time for tea? Some days I live on Diet Coke and Chocolate.

I hope that it all goes well for Pirate's Celebrations. A long journey down to Kent for you though.

gz said...

Steve I don't think that it is designed for carpet..they usually spray and suck....just hard surfaces.

Fresca said...

It is nice when energy returns,
… eventually. ❤️

Catalyst said...

I've just recently read that daily meditation is good for one's health and, presumably, energy level. What, by the way, is a Crown Prince? In your garden, that is to say.

gz said...

Catalyst, Crown Prince is a variety of squash..grey skin, tasty orange flesh and one that stores well.

Granny Sue said...

Onion squash? That's new to me.

gz said...

Granny Sue it is also called Uchiki Kuri or Red Kuri. It is shaped like a large onion.. sometimes called a teardrop shape..and has deep orange skin.

Jenny Woolf said...

You're wise to give yourself time to recover your energy. I am always impressed at the different types of squash. I bought some in a farm shop which looked quite amazing, too - I think it was late summer - lots of different colours and really baroque. It was edible (I checked) but by the time I had cut all the decoration off it there wasn't much left!