Saturday 15 June 2024

Wet walk

 Our Fife friend came over with that aim of going on a ride on our bikes, possibly meeting up with a local group.

After being delayed by traffic build up due to accidents...and arriving in a downpour of rain...plans changed!!

An hour's damp walk around Hannahston reserve, a simple lunch then over to see a neighbour for tea biscuits and chat made for a good day.

I managed to finish the photo display board for Pirate...

Next to use the other wooden frame to hang medals and jerseys, I think.


Tom said...

...keep having good days.

Frex said...

That board display looks excellent-I'd like to stare at all the photos up close!
Good work. What an empty space he leaves...

Also though: TINY FROG!

northsider said...

You see so much more walking than you do in a car.

Steve Reed said...

As we all know living in this green and pleasant land, plans must be flexible. The photo display turned out great! I downloaded the picture so I could look at all the individual shots up close. Great job. It tells a story.

Damselfly said...

Sounds a good day in spite of the change in plans.
The photo display looks wonderful!

Catalyst said...

It's a good thing that you have so many photos of your dear Pirate.

gz said...

You should see the mountain of photos I had to work through Steve!!
Unfortunately many of the photos from his early life have been lost...and many from mid sixties to the end of the 80s I have no access to as his ex has them....

gz said...

Tom, yes. Even a bit of good in a hard day helps.

Granny Sue said...

You turned a disappointment into a positive. The photo collage is a real tribute, well done.
And is that tiny frog on the chicken wire??

gz said...

Frog, or toad..I'm not sure,,but there were hundreds of them!!

Red said...

It's not much fun being out in the rain. Your rain is like ours...very cold.

Susan Heather said...

Love the photo montage. Sounds like a good day in spite of the rain.

Susan said...

Lovely photo board showing happy times. The frogs are enjoying your wet weather. Everything looks well saturated.