Thursday 25 July 2024

Sorting and tidying

 Throwing out worn out clothes...his and mine.... sorting which ones I will wear..and filling the bag with those to go to an op shop (charity).

I will probably get these to Shelter.  

Pirate's justgiving page, raised £825, plus the leftover traybakes were sold in the village café and raised £30. Making a total of £855 for Macmillan cancer nurse charity.

Outdoor sorting in the afternoon...tidying the bottom of the garden .

And finding a garden assistant 

I found that either the padlock key is missing..or that the internal mechanism isn't working properly with the key that I am sure is the correct one. This is the padlock to the gas bottle least I do have time to sort the problem, but one I could do without.

I planned a walk after early supper...but...

They do say that a British summer is two hot days and a thunderstorm....

I have stopped watching live TV.  Thanks to brother I have changed to using my television as a that I can relax with programmes that I want to see, when I want to see them. 

I like archaeology..and history...and nature...and proper discussion....and canals!!

It also saves me nearly £180 per can't fault that either..and from the news on the radio yesterday it sounds as if a lot of people are doing the same.

And just adding this view....after the thunderstorm...

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Lunchtime in Largs

 A day out on the bus...a longer journey than I had expected...going into Ayr takes half an hour, Ayr to Largs takes just under two hours!!

I had about two hours wandering around the town, watching the ferry to Cumbrae (next time!) and having a look and chat at the gallery Studio44.

Quite a small gallery..front room size..with a selection of ceramics, glass, paintings and prints.

She has month long exhibitions, then a complete change to the next one..and is booked up until next year.  She is interested in both my pots and incentive to get going and to start with prepare the prints for sale and work out how much to charge!   At least I do have a stock of prints...

One of the local food thieves!!

I ate my packed lunch on the bus back from Largs...I didn't fancy sharing!

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Step by step

 I paid for the celebrations today.. fortunately my brother has lent me money to just about cover it. Still there is a.bit of juggling to be done. At least I should be reimbursed...from the savings that I got Pirate making once all his debts were cleared.... meanwhile, I am using my savings...

It's one little step at a time ..I still haven't had any news on Pirate's pension..I should have been receiving that for three months!!

A quieter sunset after a hot day.

Monday 22 July 2024

And then they were gone...

 Gradually all the family and friends who were staying here or near(ish) have left for home.

Today has been cleaning and tidying and washing....and drying!! day...then shopping this evening.  I don't like self checkouts, but at least that gave me a quiet shop.

It just feels too quiet....

But tonight, after a lovely sunny afternoon, there has been a beautiful sky.. photos taken at 9pm and 11pm...

And life goes on....

Woodland Walk yesterday..Ayr River Way (image heavy!)

 Yesterday, after son#2 headed for home we went for a walk.. something different was requested as we had already been around Hannahston.

Brother consulted walking routes online...and we headed for Failford near Mauchline to walk a section of the River Ayr Way that I had never been on. The only time Pirate had thought of doing it a few years ago all the few parking spaces were full....

It took us 1¾ hours...much up and down as this was by the Gorge....but set us up ready for supper after a long day sitting around.

Blogger has put the photos on back to front again...I tried to be clever and choose them in reverse just read them from the last upwards 😎😄

Another closed pub.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Scottish Celebration of Pirate


I didn't get a photo of the hall and the people....but about eighty turned up...most of my family, and many sent apologies for being unable to be with us. Eight or nine shared memories after the initial talk by Dr Tom Smith.

Quite a few different clubs, although mainly Ayr Roads CC and Ayr Burners.

A few who were not from the world of cycling..and a few non cyclists drawn into that world...a lady who did event catering for Pirate when her daughter started cycling....a physio...and Dr Tom himself, who came to know the original ARCC when their club hut was sited the other side of the burn to his house....

I am hoping that others, especially those who sent apologies, will send me memories....and then these will go in the Book of Vic....