Tuesday 9 July 2024

What a day..

 Fine this morning...but hanging around waiting for phone calls...

Misinformation..I should have known that two people I needed to talk to were on holiday.

Misconnection.... Solicitor wasn't told that what he needed from me was on his desk while he was away....but we sorted that today, thankfully in person as he arrived at his office at the same time as I did!

Pirate's insurance has paid out,bank nearly sorted and pension shouldn't be long now...

Still feeling a bit lost but getting there.

The rain started as forecast as I left home for town....after town business I sat in the car and had a snack lunch. Then drove to the supermarket....and waited for the rain to ease off! I didn't want to get soaked, despite having a rain jacket, it was determined rain!!

Home again...supper, then preparing goosegogs for jamming tomorrow .

Sorted plastic pots and boxes and lids...there is a strange assortment of lost lids and bottoms!!

I am beginning to get more done...did those jobs listening to country music on the radio..

Why do we feel more tired when the weather turns back to cold, windy and wet?

At 9.30pm it was as light as it was at 10.45 yesterday..

But at 10.05 there appeared a little colour...


Debby said...

I wonder if we compared our plasticware, you'd find your lids in my cupboard. Where on earth do they go????

Have you had a summer at all there?

angela said...

I think your very productive.
We are in the middle of wet, cold short days and yes. It makes getting up a tad harder. All I really want to do is stay in bed where it’s nice and warm

Tom said...

...goosegogs, you always give term to search for meanings.

Joanne Noragon said...

Such a long process. It can be aggravating.

Red said...

Good caption for this post. Some days are busy and then they just get complicated.

Susan Heather said...

You seem to be getting a lot done. Yes, containers and lids are always a puzzle.

Toni said...

Sounds like a productive day, even the lid-dilemma.

This is our 7th day of incredible heat, all above 110 degrees and as high as 118. Now that is weather that really sucks the energy out of a person!

JayCee said...

Goosegog jam. Haven't had that for so long.
We lost our gooseberry plants when we moved house. Don't have room for them here and I miss them. Shop bought are not the same.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

You seem to be finding the way forward now. Pirate would be pleased.

Susan said...

You have many irons in the fire (as they say). With business aspects (banks/insurance/pensions) resolved, things will be settled and that's a good feeling. I recently tossed out old lids with mismatched containers. I'll just use glass jars and bowls.

Bea said...

The cold takes it out of us, I suspect. Hope your garden is still doing well!

Bovey Belle said...

Ah yes, the useful plastic containers corner always seems to have more lids than bottoms! A bit like sock trios - that elusive part of the pair probably lost in a corner of an in-storage duvet cover somewhere . . .

Oddball weather still. Quite cold first thing, then quite muggy. With rain.

I hope you enjoy making your goosegog jam. I got some jam sugar to make Jumbleberry Jam with as I have a bag of frozen mixed fruit in the freezer, taking up room.

gz said...

Thanks YP..I think he was guiding me on the quiet this past year..I should think you are right.