Wednesday 31 July 2024


 Sorting yet more papers..but Pirate had started..I found where my best clip-pegs had gone..clipping together different, bank etc ready for recycling and shredding...and all put neatly in three cardboard boxes! I did find a small box worth of papers that should be kept.

There will have to be a proper archive sort out later..and probably more reduction..but I am "over the hump" with that job.

A lovely hot day today, so clothes wash and sheets wash..out, dried and ironed those bits that needed it..then getting my clothes tidy in our tallboy. 

Followed by more sorting of Pirate's clothes...and trying on of trousers...and realising that one size fits me perfectly...apart from the waist....those that fit me at the waistband are baggy elsewhere.

If I can manage to reduce that somehow...

And I found that I have company in the the bathroom....she is beautiful..and big....

And hopefully she is busy catching flies...


Fresca said...

Wow, she’s a beauty!

Granny Sue said...

She is quite a beauty!
Paper-sorting is a thankless task, and yet it is also a journey of sorts.