Thursday 1 August 2024


 It was time to start having a sort out...this is after the first go. Now to see if the system works after shuffling things around!!

The bottles on all the racks contain home pressed apple juice, before you jump to conclusions.

It's certainly not a show kitchen...but it is a working kitchen!!

I'm trying to work around and get things tidier and sorted so that I don't have to move one thing to find another. But it isn't a quick process. 

It is frustrating at times as I would love to be doing interesting things...but on the other hand being in a mess prevents interesting things from happening.

Onwards and upwards....


Nicky cig said...

i know what you mean - I feel time tidying up is time I could be using in my enjoyable and outside things.. otoh, when things are very disorganised, it makes my head feel disorganised too, so it is a step towards doing the more interesting things in the end.
I like the tea shelf. I also have a tea shelf.

Fresca said...

“ being in a mess prevents interesting things from happening”—wise words! You inspire me…

Susan said...

You have done lots of organizing. Nicely done. When I sorted my kitchen, I decided to store everything in drawers or shelving. All dry goods are on shelves (think bookcase with doors) and everything else is in drawers.

Debby said...

Come wintertime, you will be grateful for all your hard work!

Marjorie said...

Thanks for the pix. I find the kitchen the hardest to organize and/or declutter. Good luck.

JayCee said...

It looks like your kitchen works quite hard!

Granny Sue said...

Yep, that is a working kitchen! The drying rack over, is it the washer? Is ingenious!

Susan Heather said...

You have fitted a lot into that kitchen. As you say, a working kitchen.

Bovey Belle said...

I was thinking, gosh gz is very strong-minded over drinking that stash of wine!!!

It's very therapeutic to tackle jobs you may have been putting off for months. I am gradually ordering Keith's tools and screws/nails/fuses/small bulbs/woodstains etc inside the front hall door, so I know where to put my hand on something when I need it. Doing the same in his workshop is going to be a bit more of an ask!

Jeanie said...

I'm better at doing these kinds of things when the weather is awful but sometimes you do what you have to do! Well done!