Friday 2 August 2024



Deconstruction one done, green nearly finished.

I eventually slept this morning...then overslept!!  

The Cowp is just over 15 minutes drive away...I made it!! When you book you get a 20 minute slot and I arrived halfway through. There were only three other people there so they weren't rushed.

After the long day yesterday today has been low key... especially as it is back to wet and windy. I had hoped for a walk, but it was definitely not inviting out there!

A friend who lives in France commented that I was always busy...but I pointed out that that is a way of hiding from the feeling of loneliness, physical and mental . 

He least he has his tomato plants, and his younger son ( and son's washing!!) to look after..but he knows the same things.

We will all get there..and survive!


Tom said...

...take care and be well.

angela said...

I think it’s good to stay busy. I’m sure you still have plenty of moment when you are sad and lonely.
Which is totally normal and ok
What are you planning on making with the deconstructed shirts

Bovey Belle said...

Ah yes, I'm with you on the keeping busy. That plan just falls to bits when I wake in the night though (2.50 a.m. here). I tried watching The Turkish Detective but haven't settled into it yet.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Great idea to make a quilt from all those much loved shirts. Keeping busy is certainly a good way for you to deal with your feelings right now but I hope you won't burn yourself out! Betty.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Everyone has their own way of coping with such difficult times. I'm also in the "lets keep busy" camp; it's always to some extent helped me. Take care.

JayCee said...

Well, all those shirts will certainly keep you busy.

Debby said...

It has to be lonely, esp. When the weather does its level best to isolatevyou. I can't wait to see how your wuilt turns out.

Granny Sue said...

Like my cousin John, I too am in tbe keeping busy camp as a way to work through difficult times. Somehow, I find it healing, perhaps because it keeps my mind from dwelling on sad things?

jenny_o said...

I'm just beginning to have the energy and time to branch out in reading blogs. This post speaks to me, as I have been sitting around feeling lost and lonely. There have been so many months - years, even - when I went from crisis to crisis, I no longer know how to schedule a regular day. I thought it would schedule itself. Maybe I need a plan, or maybe I need to take longer to sit with those feelings. I don't know.

In any case, it's nice to read about your life and how you are spending your time :)