Tuesday 20 August 2024

Gardening and sewing and cat

 Today started with sewing 

And cat

After lunch, washing on the line as we now have sunshine and a stiff breeze after yet more rain this morning!

Then some weeding....

I would love a garden like this...but giving a hand is a good substitute!!


JayCee said...

It looks like a big garden - plenty of work there!

gz said...

It is, and the cultivated area is steadily expanding...this is five years in...the trees are His ( one old apple tree and three newer fruit trees) and the rest is Hers !!
There is about one and a half full sized allotments worth so far...in Cwmcarn I had two to feed myself and four hungry offspring!! They aim to be buying even less than I had to !

Fresca said...

Hm… are you considering getting a cat yourself? I looked into fostering cats, but my friend who comes over every Sunday is extremely allergic. 😞

northsider said...

Those veggies look great.

Catalyst said...

I'm amazed! UK cats sound just like American cats!

Barbara Rogers said...

Really nice looking gardens. Cat looks a bit old somehow, a shakiness to his/her movements. Glad you brought quilt squares to work on. That's really great that you grew most of your food for your family, all while raising them as well.

Steve Reed said...

I just went back through your posts of the last few days. I love that you're getting some cat time. I'm still not sure I'm pronouncing Indeg right! And 19 years old! That's impressive.

gz said...

So many Ifs Fresca....if I didn't intend travelling the main one!

gz said...

She is getting old..and deaf..and forgetful..cat dementia? Still a loving cat though

gz said...

"In"...as in going in...and "Deg" to rhyme with Peg. She always has been a real character

gz said...

She is going deaf...so tends to shout!!

angela said...

Your cat talks to you as well
My problem is getting them to shut up!
Agatha starts meowing at my bedroom window around five, that’s the time I used to get up. Until I do get up and feed her

Granny Sue said...

That is a nice garden! She is certainly getting good use of her land. And I am sure she is thrilled to have your help.
Love that old cat.

Susan said...

She is a lovely cat and she travels around investigating everything. The garden is fantastic. The soil must be rich and everything seems to be thriving. The tomato plants are as tall as small trees and the toms are huge. I bet they are very tasty.

Jeanie said...

That garden is great! And I'm crushing on Cat!

gz said...

Small tomatoes..and very tall.. everyone's plants are reaching for light this year, not enough sunshine

gz said...

It is clay soil...so as much compost and manure is going on as possible!!

gz said...

She can be a sweetie..but also bossy!!

Elderberry-Rob said...

I can't keep up with all your posts! Im sorry I haven't left a comment on many. Your cat looks very relaxed and lazy - I have a black one, they are good company. Indeg is a good age. Betty

Aimz said...

Yum its apple season for you. Its the sort of weather here that's dreary so I am going to be doing some crochet the rest of the day.