Saturday 17 August 2024

Travelling South


I love alleys and entries and ways between!

I am stopping in Oswestry...Croesoswallt in Welsh...250 miles was enough driving today (about 400km) with two good leg stretch breaks.

I started an hour and 20 minutes after my planned start..but no point starting before I was properly up and running ...and the dishes done and the house tidy!!

I had quite a delay in Sanquhar because it was the annual Beating the Bounds which is done on horseback...we had to wait as they came down a side road and along the main street before turning off again.

Traffic was busy much of the way down to Dumfries and on the motorway to Lymm.. but once back on ordinary roads it was fine.

On the last twenty miles I was looking for somewhere to stop to phone my friend here so that we could meet up...nowhere that easy driveway or a bus stop..and the towns and villages were full of double yellow lines (no parking) and being a Saturday all parking spaces on the roadside were full!!

Never mind...we will meet up again...and I had a really good hot chocolate in the bookshop cafe called Booka...found some beautiful and practical designer sandally shoes my size in the Red Cross Op shop...£ good condition....and who knows how much they would be new!! Then I found the Cook Shop... heaven!!!! I resisted everything but a ribbed wooden pasta roller..a little like a butter use with clay, of course!!

I would love to go around the town with a camera very early on a clear summer's morning....

Just 62 miles tomorrow (100km) to stay with daughter and family.


Tom said... travels.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Sounds like the journey itself offered much... as is good, from my view of things! Though parking in some places can be a nightmare. Enjoy your family visit! YAM xx

Bovey Belle said...

Safe journeying tomorrow. You certainly broke the back of it today. Well done with your purchases, it sounds like you were there at just the right moment for the shoes and the pasta roller couldn't be resisted . . .

JayCee said...

Enjoy your trip x

Catalyst said...

I have to remember what a small collection of countries the UK is. I traced your journey on a map and discovered you'd traversed a large part of it in only 250 miles! I would been a mad fool in that cookshop!

Granny Sue said...

Quite a journey. Here's to a wonderful visit!

Debby said...

I hope you have a great visit.

Susan Heather said...

I love Oswestry (my mother's birthplace) and have been visiting since a baby and still have a cousin and his family there. Enjoy the visit to your daughter

Susan said...

250 miles is a good road trip. The journey to your daughter's house and a bit of a stay with her will be enjoyed.