Friday 30 August 2024

Foraging starts!!

 After dropping the car down the road to the local garage....and having morning coffee....foraging was the order if the day.

A leisurely walk down the big hedge in the field 

Normally you can see Arran....

The hedgerow looks promising.

They aren't ready yet...and there is only one sort of pear and practically no plums this year....the wrong weather at blossom time, cold and wet, must have done a combination of damaging the blossoms and stopping the insects from flying.

In the other big hedge I found small crabapples but bigger...and small cooking apples, which I thinned out a bit, taking the bigger ones and the windfalls. Also haws, rowan berries and brambles.

I collected the car after lunch. Tyres ok for another month but keep an eye on the safety wear markers. One bit of the front suspension at one corner had gone...the potholes are playing merry hell with everyone's cars, however carefully you drive...

And there was a knocking back to see Davey.... possibly the apprentice could have tightened the wheel nuts a bit everything was checked for play...and the nuts done with a proper torque wrench, not just the setting on the air driven tool...

Now it doesn't sound like "Three wheels on my wagon" is imminent!!

There is a wee bit of play in the steering rack...but nothing serious...we'll keep an eye on that too. All in all, not bad for a 20 year old car!!

Arrived home to a fleabay sale....hooray!! I probably should list a few more every four weeks is not enough...but at the moment with all retail sales struggling...and with bikes, Wiggle et al ( now owned by the owner of Sports Direct.....) are selling things at knockdown prices....

People are expecting me to sell quality goods at knockdown prices.

I don't play that game...I will be patient....


JayCee said...

I hope your foraging results are tasty.
Our apples are huge right now but not quite ready. I was worried that the recent gales would have blown them all off the tree before they ripened but they are still hanging on!

angela said...

We don’t have much to forage around here
And our bush doesn’t is different to yours in the UK
I keep thinking I need to visit the local indigenous and learn all about
Bush food from them
As for cars and pot holes. I’ve ruined three tyres thanks to them
Thankfully I have a mechanics husband and son so they get fixed straight away

Red said...

Interesting how various varieties grow in a hedge.

northsider said...

There's always something to find when foraging. Cars cost a lot to run.

Steve Reed said...

Looks like good foraging opportunities! Our plum tree didn't produce this year, either. I think we got one piece of fruit. There have been so few insects this year.

Granny Sue said...

Those hedges sound very alluring. We have no hedges like that, sadly. Now the state roads crews cut the roadsides twice a year, so my foraging along the road is pretty much ended. So sad. I always loved the wide variety of plants crowding our roadsides.

Fresca said...


Debby said...

The trees are so heavy with apples that branches are breaking off. I have never seen anything like it.

Catalyst said...

You might try raising your prices.

gz said...

I try to aim for a reasonable price Cat..and do a lot of research to make sure of the identity of what I sell..but it is the same when you go anywhere not just online... perhaps raising prices might work!!

Aimz said...

That's quite a few apples on that tree, hope you're going to make use of them over Autumn. You're right about people always wanting thing for cheap or free.