Sunday 1 September 2024


 Yesterday I made a trip to Birnam, near Dunkeld, 10 miles past Perth on the A9.

Quite a long way (108 miles) for a day trip, but worth it. 

One of Pirate's former competitors on grass track...who has the same initials, VP.... finished racing 22 years ago ..he is now 78...but carried on for many years as as official of the Scottish Highland Games Association...his wife still judges the dancing.

He has a grand collection of bikes, and restores them...and this special grass track bike belonged once to Jock Ward..a top rider on both road and grass, and a long time official in Scottish Cycling. It was also  a Flying Scot, a marque made at Rattray's bike shop in Glasgow.

Like Pirate, Jock Ward hasn't long since VP decided to ride the grass one more time at the Birnam Highland Games, in their honour.

Our Fife friend came up to Birnam as well once he heard of the plan....his daughter, once a rider in the Scottish Commonwealth games team and a professional bike rider, started her racing career on the grass at Birnam, following her father's wheel tracks as it were.  VP did two of the four races and Fifer was his holder and pusher at the start.  These were both handicap races...the idea being that it is fair for all and no-one is made to look a fool!

It was a grand sunny day....and I don't remember when I had a day just to relax with friends, and watch the proceedings, last.

One innovation to add...there were women's events in the Heavies for the first time...tossing the caber, shot putt, throwing the weight over the bar....

The aim is to toss the caber end over end and land at "12 o'clock"....this isn't easy for any competitor 

One sprint heat on the way, stretching being done before the next 

Fifer and VP

No "54321 go" in the games....the cry is Take Hold!...and the whistle and gun follow quickly after!!

The cycling, like the running is mixed...only one girl today..

A Unicorn ( of course, this is Scotland) and a dinosaur..I bet that they have were glad if the internal fan to keep the suit inflated!!

Then the drive home...with two stops on the way home, one in a supermarket to cool down... And get the reduced items as well, of course!!


Barbara Rogers said...

What great for adults! Competitions like what we call the Highland Games here.

DB Stewart said...

Love love love Highland Games. Other than on TV I have only attended one in person, in Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

Susan Heather said...

Sounds like a good but long day.

Joanne Noragon said...

A lovely day!

Red said...

You lean something new all the time. I'd never heard of racing on grass.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Sounds like a great day out - but you didn't tell us how you got on in the shot put.

gz said...

Yes, that's what they are called here...and we've seen them in NZ as well

gz said... an interesting article...and looks like dirt tracks were used more than Scotland there is at least one made of red shale ballast, I have raced on that.
There is a grass track league on in Toronto now..I think that it it's called Mariposol?

gz said...

I've never done that one!!..

JayCee said...

Your post didn't appear on my Feed - again!
Anyway, looked like it was a great day. I think I would have enjoyed that too.

Granny Sue said...

Sounds like a great day! Love the photos. I had never heard of a caber before.