Saturday 28 September 2024

Gloucester Docks...and home

 Murals on our way to Gloucester Docks on Thursday morning.

I didn't have much time there...the waterways museum doesn't open until 10 and I needed to be on my way...

But certainly I'll be back!

I decided to avoid motorways this time and have a more interesting drive...which it was apart from one missed turn and retrace!

Across to Bodenham ( I always going through there when my friend is away!!) then up the usual route up the A49...the route across looked ok, the M56 was flowing well.... until it got to the M6...ah wasn't moving fast, but slow  is better than stop!

The culprit was a broken down lorry, a few miles up the road and as the rescue got it back from the junction, I was passing...and the traffic flowed freely again. The option had been to go through Warrington and Wigan....which I've done before....but after a long day I wanted a simple route...which it was, leaving the motorway just before Preston, for the top end of Chorley.

An uneventful night...apart from the people in the room above walking back and forth until 11.30 pm.....and starting again at 5.30 least they weren't long in leaving!

I didn't leave until 9.15...who wants to get involved in Rush Hour?!

With all the reports of rain and flooding back south I was glad that I'd gone North when I did.

Fuelled up, on the road in ten minutes...and as soon as I had passed the turnoff for Blackpool it was steady going....I was sat behind a small rescue lorry, doing a nice even I stayed there...very handy as though the sun was nice and bright, it was a stiff headwind.  The lorry carried on most of the way to Gretna...where I had a good break,..then on the back road to Dumfries and lunch with friends.

Onwards to home.... still sunny with a stiff breeze. Not to waste that, two loads of washing were done and half dried.

Then relax!!

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