Wednesday 4 September 2024

Pirate and paperwork and weather

 Pirate thirty years ago, just before we saw him racing and then got to be firm friends 

Pirate forty years ago

And playing the fool on a lads weekend in Butlins holiday camp sixty years ago!!

I felt tired and flat all started badly as at 4.20 am a couple of large planes took off from the local airport and headed over us....

Healthwise I'm not 100%....back on antibiotics....and possibly a few hours sorting Pirate's papers wasn't a good idea!

However the cycling paperwork boxes are in the bike room, each section of paperwork is in fewer boxes as are the photos.  Best of all I can see most of the living room floor!!!

Having the house tidier is helping me feel better. I have two very large bags of clothes...from both of go to an op shop...I'm thinking for many years Pirate was technically homeless...a hotel, a room in a pub, a caravan, a tied cottage while a farmer didn't need it least he had a year's notice on that one..small cramped and damp rentals...we were fortunate to get this one. Eight years here and counting, now.

And then it rained AGAIN!!!! Friends in Kent are very grateful...their garden has been suffering from lack of water.

The West of Scotland has had more than twice the usual this past year. So my water butts are full to overflowing. 

Earlier bedtime tonight..a little bit anyway.

Hoping for a better day tomorrow.


coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Hang in there. See how you do tomorrow. Pirate sounds like a very resilient person!! He must have had some stories to tell. - Jenn

Fresca said...

Pirate’s face is wonderful. What spirit! How you must miss him…
Wishing you a good night’s rest and sweet dreams and a turn toward full good health. And less rain!!!

angela said...

I’m sure it’s emotionally taxing to go through all that paper work. And if your not well anyway it would be worse
I’m glad you got some needed rain hopefully you don’t get too much

Tom said...

...send any extra rain, please.

Bovey Belle said...

Ah, paperwork. Nearly as bad as phonecalls. I get quite phobic when it comes to Official Letters and my brain wants to go and find a hole to hide in. You probably have all yours done and dusted now, but we have the worst to come with the Probate, although my girls have said they will sort that for me (hope that is soon). At least yours was "just" Pirates' cycling paperwork. It's always a positive to get a room tidy though.

Lovely old photos. I have a multi-photo frame which I will put photos of Keith in when Gabby has had the little albums printed off of the photos we chose. Memories.

How is the quilt coming on?

gz said...

He did so..and didn't write them I have to remember what I can and do it for him

gz said...

Not quite done and dusted.. fortunately no probate as he didn't own any property...or much cash!
The quilt is coming along in fits and starts.. hopefully more on it today

gz said...

His spirit just glowed. Miss him like anything.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Letting go of things, especially to a good new home, is very therapeutic, you sound positive and always find something happy in every day to put in your posts :) Betty

kjsutcliffe said...

❤️sending hugs xx

Debby said...

He's got such a lively, animated face, doesn't he?

gz said...

He really did. I could read him..and vice versa!!

Granny Sue said...

His joie de vivre is so present in these photos. What fun the two of you must have had. Hugs, gz, and hopes that you will soon feel better.

Susan said...

Medication with rest and a slower pace will help you feel better.
Pirate's photos show a good and caring person. Your life together brought many adventures. Missing him and carrying on is hard.

Jeanie said...

I hope today (tomorrow) makes for a better day. I love the photos. Especially smiled at the photo booth ones. Those always make me smile. I know the clothes will be appreciated.