Thursday 5 September 2024

Getting back to normal.. slowly..

 The antibiotics have really knocked me back this time...but at least hopefully they have done their job.

Sorting paperwork probably hasn't's that empty feeling...should be Pirate sitting in the other chair...

Up late....nap before lunch....but then I did start to regain energy.

I went to our usual foraging place, a field hedge by Greenan Castle ...with a good view of Arran.

Elderberries to go with the brambles and spices to make a winter cordial.


Tom said...

...remember that "normal" is merely a setting on a washing machine.

angela said...

I hope the antibiotics start to work and your back fit and healthy
I love that you can go foraging. Nice work

Bovey Belle said...

Oh how I'm with you on that empty feeling - Keith should be sitting in my other chair too, so I know just where you are coming from. ((HUGS))

Well done with the Elderberries - none locally and only ones I've seen too high and sparse to pick. I wanted to make Pontack Sauce too . . .

Fresca said...

I’m glad you’re a bit better, but sad for the empty chair…
Elderberries! Those are very good for health aren’t they? Their beauty is visual healing…

Granny Sue said...

Oh, nice berries! I missed ours this year...the birds beat me to it. But we did plant three bushes so hopefully they will have survived this drought. We shall see.
Glad to hear the meds are working!

Catalyst said...

That's a good view of Arran this time.

Aimz said...

i can imagine how strange it must feel, good to remember him.

northsider said...

I would love to go on a foraging walk with a forager. Naps work wonders.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Slowly is the only way to go as we become adjusted to new circumstances. Easy does it.

gz said...

Exactly so Tom. Deep breaths and carry on...

Debby said...

John's thinking is sound. Antibiotics can take quite a toll, best to do small quiet tasks. The empty chair brought a lump to my throat.

Susan said...

I hope you are feeling better. Living alone is a big change. In time it will not be so hard. Your friends and family are near and that is good.