Monday 2 September 2024

Sunday, Monday...


Sunday was overcast but dry...I was surprised how quickly the sheets wash dried!  Sunday was also a slow day, after all the driving on Saturday.

Mid afternoon I managed to get my bike in the car, and take a slightly circuitous route to Irvine Harbour to avoid road closures (a new surface being put last!)

The idea was a quiet ride up and back along the shared cycle/walking path for an hour or so...I got three miles....and found a loaded apple tree, with enough just ripe enough to pick...I filled a plastic bag that you buy bread in....then another halfmile to some luscious large brambles (blackberries)...another full bag..which went in another bag!! with a full pannier, 8 pounds of fruit, I turned around....back to the car and home!!

Good thing I did, as had I gone on a longer ride as planned, I would have got rather wet.

Fruit cooked last night...and set to drip in a jelly bag..  

Today it has rained....and rained...and rained...

Someone is happy...

I finished making the jelly...the apple press was useful to get most of the juice...easier than squeezing the jelly bag...which you are not supposed to do....but why waste the juice as I am not making fruit cheese today. There is enough on the larder shelf already and jelly has run low. It is so handy to give as a present.

And still it rains... thankfully not as heavy as this morning....the ground was sodden already before all this rain.

No excuse not to do indoor jobs then....


JayCee said...

Glad you missed getting soaked. Not much fun.
Your larder shelf (or its contents anyway) looks very appetising!

Tom said...

...I wish that there were more butterflies here. Canning tomatoes is today's task.

Granny Sue said...

Oh, I love your foraging posts. We are certainly kindred spirits in that.
The borage is so lovely. I tried to grow some this year, but the dogs got most of it, and the drought got the rest, as well as most of my new herb garden. Next year...

Steve Reed said...

Our ground is SO dry. Send us some of your rain! (I think we're slated to get some in the next day or two.)

Susan Heather said...

What a lovely lot of blackberry & apple jelly. Glad you got home without getting drenched. Our borage is just coming into flower.

Red said...

Did I hear you say you went for a bike ride? It sounds more like fruit picking ride.

Catalyst said...

I wish we'd have a rainy day or two like yours. And what is that in your video: a slug or a snail or what?

gz said...

I couldn't just leave the fruit, could I?!!

gz said...

A slug...a gastropod without a shell

Barbara Rogers said...

Good to hear you got a short ride, as well as some fruit too! Maybe that nice dry morning had to get balanced out somehow by a wet evening. Hope tomorrow is better!

Susan said...

You found a treasure trove of fruit. The apple and blackberry jam looks terrific. You are very well supplied.

angela said...

I commented from my phone and it came up anonymous.

DL said...

What a beautiful butterfly!

gz said...

Isn't it just!The only one I have seen this year in my garden.

Jeanie said...

That's a load of fruit to carry on your bike! I'm glad you went back before the rain.