Monday 23 September 2024


 Not a very warm day...and a wet one....

Chilling out has been the main activity.

Brother had a dental appointment in the afternoon.

I started packing ready for travelling...not sure whether to stick to the maybe there will be flooding...

And a little sewing....strip#4 pinned in ready...

Brother is baking some tatties to go with a casserole.

He does work for people...favours you could call them...sorting a website, getting a claim against a provider of goods or services on the way, doing product research for people who want to buy something but aren't specialists in that....and he gets paid in (sometimes freezer ready )home cooked meals. 

Definitely a win win situation!!


northsider said...

I love barter.

Jeanie said...

Happy Travels. The quilt is moving along. And I think what your brother does is lovely and generous.

Barbara Rogers said...

Yes, it's hard to decide on roads when the weather is iffy...I sometimes go on the bigger highways, because our older roads sure are less drained. Love the work on the quilt! That's a great barter system your brother has there.

Granny Sue said...

Sounds like brother has a good thing going!

Aimz said...

Must be nice to have your brother's company there. Sounds ike it's hibernating time.

angela said...

I love the barter system. We use it often ourselves. Currently we have a gardener cleaning up the back yard for a service on his car.
The quilt top is coming along nicely

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd say definitely winner winner chicken dinner (or whatever...)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Exceedingly wet down here yesterday - a day to stay at home and be lazy.