Sunday 22 September 2024

Barrington Court visit

 We were going out today to see something in the Somerset Art Trail....but the rain washed the plans out...

A visit for lunch at Barrington Court was the next option for a starter....but no hot food....just coffee and cakes....

So the four of us had a wander around including the bottom floor of part of one house, stables extended in the 1920s to create a house for the Lyle family ( of Tate and Lyle, the sugar manufacturers and importers)...

Farm and estate buildings


And house

We didn't go round the old original house , built in the 1500s as we had all seen it on a previous visit. The man who had that built went bankrupt...." Oh, look what a big fancy house I have to show how much money I have.....oops it's all gone" !!!

At least the rain stopped while we were there.  Then a quick visit to a supermarket and a late lunch of pizza, focaccia and a glass of good red wine at their home...not far from brother's house where I'm staying.

A nice relaxed day.

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