Monday 30 September 2024

Town wandering and paperwork

 On the bus to post a fleabay sale..just a paperback copy of "The Ballad of Sad Café".     High time I listed more things.. possibly not just on that site...but the organisation is ok, I don't have to do any of the finances so it is convenient.

Then a wander around town..I was hoping for a text from a person working in town...but as he hadn't texted me at the time his lunch break started I came home.

The site of the old fishmarket 
Then looking towards the Auld just pedestrian 

After lunch, three hours of sorting filing and pulling out bank statements and house bills from before April 2022. Plus organising my pensions file, present and history.

Just one bank to do, but most of that is online so not a big job.

Now I'm going through the recycling taking out personal details. They will be composted!!

Not yet what else to do apart from supper, which won't take long.

There's always something..even if it is catch up with the mending!!

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