Sunday 18 August 2024

Garden envy...and genealogy ...and cat


I have garden envy....and daughter needs a hand!

More treats please!!

Indeg (named after one of their friends) is "un deg naw oed"...19 years old...and very vocal!!

I was catted....

Daughter has also had a breakthrough with 4x and 5x grandfathers were named Jean Florette...came from just south of Brittany...and for 150 years or more were going between London and France....and were Protestants....this is getting very interesting!!

Seems that I have Huguenot ancestors, not just Pirate.....


JayCee said...

Was the cat using the laptop???

gz said...

She does try...but other times it's just to stop daughter using it....

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh ho! Great to think of ancestors just found. I'm spending too much time on FB and blogs, but have a lot of Ancestry work to do too. Love little black cat wanting his treats!

Susan said...

What a handsome cat. He wants to be close. Your daughter has a large garden with plenty of space for everything. I suspect you have some suggestions for the garden. Sounds like fun. Discovering family roots is always interesting.

Joanne Noragon said...

An ordinary cat. Good for her.

Granny Sue said...

Genealogy is fascinating! My sister and my cousin, bless them, have really dug into ours.
That cat, what a character. And 19? Amazing.

Aimz said...

What a pretty cat! Im sure he/she was supawvising your efforts.

angela said...

My fur babies are the same. Always getting in the way. They want all the attention. Even while sewing my cat will sit right next to the sewing machine she keeps a close eye on proceedings

gz said...

She is insistent!

gz said...

She does like most people, thankfully!
I don't suggest for the garden..unless asked!! She is doing very well indeed

gz said...

She certainly was! And commenting loudly...she is a bit deaf and doesn't mew....she shouts 😄

Anonymous said...

We call it being 'Cat-lapped' !

Jeanie said...

Nothing better than a cat! Even when they are -- well, overly present -- would you want it any other way?

Debby said...

Well, he certainly expects to be the center of attention, doesn't he?