Saturday 24 August 2024

Rest day...sort of

 After the stay away and travelling today was quieter..the wind was just a gentle breeze ( but it is up again tonight)

SiL took the boys out on their bikes for an hour between showers and I took the opportunity to do more sewing.

Then lunch and I did a couple of hours weeding..but when I went in for a rest I was asked to go and sit in the garden.

Apparently the piano hasn't been touched because I am here ...the joys of autism.

But noone thought to say anything until it became a grumble...the joys of ADHD parents....where did she think she inherited it from ?!! No arguments...but she should know by now that if she would like me to do something, I need to be asked, and if it is a job, explain exactly how it should be done.

Anyhow the practice was done...and I had a nice sit in the sun!!

I had peace and quiet when they went to see a film about Tornadoes and tornado chasing..and the cat decided to sit on my lap!

Now it isn't just raining and blowing it is thunder and lightning as well. Should make the garden grow well.

Good thing it was dry yesterday for my walk around town...I got a few interesting photos...


Catalyst said...

You having a good time? The cat offers comfort.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great textures. I wanted to repeat my admiration of your photos of gates/doorways etc. There's something spiritual about them all, and I think it has to do with them being thresholds. Entrances. Ways to pass through. OK, I'm a bit tired right now. Hope you had a good evening.

angela said...

Yes we are not mind readers. Just ask nicely and I’m sure you would be happy to oblige Some very artistic photographs. Maybe you enter a photography comp and see how you go

JayCee said...

At least the stormy weather held off for the piano practice.

Debby said...

Your pictures of little details (and Aril's too) always make me very mindful to look around in my own life for those sorts of details. It's really quite amazing, the beauty that we're surrounded by on a daily basis and do not even notice!

Susan said...

A bit of good old communication and all is right again. Your photos are always enjoyed.

The bike shed said...

I like photographing doors and door locks and other little details, especially in France where the houses are so old and beautiful. The items that we touch every day often go unnoticed and yet they can be beautiful and an enhancement to life.

northsider said...

You have a wonderful eye for detail GZ.

gz said...

Thankyou. We all need to look at what we can see

gz said...


gz said...

Yes. And yes she does, despite her senile dementia...I found that she isn't deaf....but forgets where we are and goes around shouting to find us....

Jeanie said...

I love photos of wood and old building details. I'm glad you had good weather for your walk and sun-sit!