Friday 16 August 2024

Quilt decision made, and mending


Last minute fussing over details done...proper chart drawn up....

7 colours...each strip of 7 pieces. 7 strips with the colours stepping one along each strip, to make a square.

4 squares set diagonally to make the centre.

Each corner is two half squares put side to side.

I've pinned the strips for the first square.

Not a lot else got done today, apart from pinning two mending jobs...a section of jacket lining hem and the hem on a light pair of sports trousers for walking.

Four months on and I'm still doing his mending...and re-mending.....

The difference is that I'll be wearing them. 


Jeanie said...

It will be wonderful!

Granny Sue said...

That last line really touched my heart.

JayCee said...

I hope you will post photos of the work in progress. It may inspire me to dust off my sewing machine.

Barbara Rogers said...

And as you work with his fabrics, and wear the things you've repurposed, you continue the entertwined-ness of your lives. (I could have said that better, but that's what came out.)

gz said...


gz said...

No, that is perfect.

Susan Heather said...

Lovely that you are repurposing so many of Pirate's clothes either in your the quilt or to wear.

Barbara Anne said...

What a wonderful quilt, full of fabrics linked to precious this quilt will be. Enjoy the process, pet the fabrics, and may peace be with you.

From a fellow quilter outside Richmond, Virginia, USA - Hugs!

angela said...

It’s going to look great once it’s finished
It’s lovely you still have clothes that you can mend and wear. It’s like a big hug from the beyond. Bless

Debby said...

He will always be wrapped around you then. Very sweet post.

Joanne Noragon said...

The quilt will be lovely; the rest of the wardrobe will look great on you.

Bovey Belle said...

Keith and I very different sizes - he always slim and fit, me busty! There's a green warm duvet type puffy jacket he loved wearing - especially as it was only £8 at a car boot sale! I could fit into that, and wouldn't get rid of it anyway. Anyway, I'm still fettling - or at least polishing - his random useful bits and bobs to take to the next Antiques Fair.

I love the way the quilt is taking shape.

gz said...

Thankyou Barbara Anne 🙂

Anonymous said...

My late hubby was much smaller so nothing of his fit me, however I kept his kilt and one of his favourite shirts i love your quilt idea and am sure it will be so comforting for you when finished. Gigi

Fresca said...

You are doing good work!

Steve Reed said...

The quilt is going to look amazing! I think it's touching that you're repairing Pirate's clothes for your own use. A way to stay close to him. :)