Tuesday 6 August 2024

Keeping active...

 I wasn't very active this morning... waiting for a phone call...much unpicking done while waiting....phone call postponed until lunchtime...

Which meant trying to make a call myself...cue asking auntie Goggle for over half an hour, as the company concerned doesn't put their phone number on their letters....

Then a 52 minute call, 45 of which was hanging on...but at least I know now that my widow's pension is a Live Case...and phone again in two weeks if I haven't heard anything.

Things may be tight....but just imagine if I was under state pension age..... possibly younger, with children to care for.,and if I did claim Universal Credit benefit, that is at least five weeks wait for a decision....

Then I could get out in the fresh air and DO something!!! 

I trimmed some grass and clipped up the tomato plants after clearing out the leaves below any fruit.

It started raining..just a few sprinkles...so grab a coat and go for a walk around Hannahston...just along the nearest side and back up the fields, not the full circuit.

Of course, having taken a coat...it stayed dry until after I got home again!!

Dogwood fruit ripening....
Lammas growth on the young oak trees
And thistledown 


Joanne Noragon said...

It's good to know your benefit is on track. All that chasing sure cuts into a day.

Red said...

It's frustrating to have to jump through all the hoops.

Catalyst said...

I had a doctor appointment in Prescott this afternoon. It rained on us off and on driving there and also coming home but we discovered a thunderstorm had lashed our area while we were gone. Power was off for 30 minutes and lots of debris in the yard. I had to clear one end of a conduit under our driveway to let the water flow through the ditch. Lots of excitement and we missed it all!

Susan said...

Good to know the pension is moving forward. Things tend to move forward when we call in. Unfortunately, time consuming calls are important today. We are getting the remains of storm Debbie with some heavy rain to come. It is finally cool after days of very hot weather.

Bovey Belle said...

How frustrating when phone calls have to be made, and so much hanging around. Just as well you had a trusty stitch-ripper to hand! I got in a short walk first thing but wasn't in the mood for it (hence it being short). Have now got the go ahead from the Physio to extend my walks, so I shall walk every day and aim at an hour's walking.
Your garden's looking smart.

jenny_o said...

Those phone calls are what weigh on me heavily. The waiting is probably the worst part. You can't leave the phone for a moment! I'm glad you are getting it sorted out. I have a couple of things I need to follow up on and have to pull up my socks and get on with it.

angela said...

Dealing with government departments is always a huge pain
Making you wait weeks and weeks. Unless of course they decide you owe them money. Then it’s pay straight away

gz said...

Just so Angela..but this isn't a government department. It is a company that runs a huge number of pension schemes for independent companies...one of whom Pirate worked for