Sunday 11 August 2024

Foraging begins!

rosa rugosa hips
Grown,I think, from discarded apple cores or pips dropped by birds, there are a few apple trees, plus crabapple trees on the stretch of land that was beach, but defences were built up by anchoring old Christmas trees...sand accumulated, marram grass planted then all the other vegetation took over...
Arran over there
Heads of Ayr
Knapweed..full of bees
Small convolvulus 
Result!! Our usual tree had hardly any fruit on it.. probably the weather prevented pollination, one way or another. There were hardly any sloes too.
And looking back up from the car to the place I picked the brambles..the lump on the right is a castle.

The fruit there gets a nice amount of sun but is also sheltered from the hardest home the blackberries are still small and green....400'+ above sea level and ten miles in makes a big difference.



Granny Sue said...

Nice haul! I have never found enough rose hips to harvest. The berries look delicious too.

Bovey Belle said...

Well done. Some sea air as well, whilst foraging. You can't beat free food. It is many years since I last used the Rosa rugosa hips, yet they are so rich in Vit. C. I spotted some big blackberries amongst the rhodies by the care home driveway yesterday so will pick those this morning. Your wilding apples worth having. My friend Chris up the lane has some apple trees so I can beg apples from her this year. I miss my ready supply (FAR TOO MANY apples, every year though!) from the old trees at Ynyswen. They would last me all winter but then some of Chris's will if I can pick them before they're windfalls.

JayCee said...

That's a good crop of free booty. You did well.
(Autocorrect changed that to boots...I just noticed it before I hit Publish!)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Nothing better than finding free fruit. I must get out and search the hedgerows; this used to be a fruit-farming area and you can find all sorts of goodies growing wild.

Steve Reed said...

Looks like a good haul, even if not as much as usual!

Debby said...

Our old apple tree is so covered in apples this year that a branch broke off! The deer loved that! That's a nice bit of bounty for free!