Sunday 25 August 2024

Family day out

 Bright and early start today...well sort of...the rain eased a little and we were off soon after 9!!

Just under an hour and a half to Llandrindod and we met son#3 , wife and daughter at the café by the lake..a cuppa to start with then a stroll around the lake.

Some duck feeding followed by a light lunch in the café.

Then to another park the other side of the town..

Walking curtailed by mud, steep slopes and rain...but we all had a good chat at the end before heading home.
Son is at a farm campsite outside the town..very basic but very relaxed.
With the music festival at Lovesgrove outside Aberystwyth we took the mountain road by the Nant y Moch reservoir...which will be closed for the Rali Bae Ceredigion next was interesting seeing the different markings and signs ready for the rally cars...but I was too busy hanging on to take we were in the clouds much of the way!!
The road comes out in Talybont where daughter used to live. 

Everyone is now chilling out after the travelling...and I am planning the route home tomorrow.


JayCee said...

Quite a tiring day I would imagine.
Safe journey home.

Tom said...

...a great day to be out and about!

angela said...

You certainly packed in lots of things on your day out
A good nights sleep and happy travels home

Susan said...

Your time and travel with family has been totally enjoyable. You've visited some beautiful places. Thank you for sharing many excellent photos.

Susan Heather said...

You are having some lovely family time.

Jeanie said...

This sounds like a lovely visit -- and a very full day!

Bovey Belle said...

The photo you took of the Spa building (checkers on the floor) - you must have been stood just where I had my car boot stall the other day! I hope you waved in my direction when you were at Llandod Lake!!

northsider said...

Sounds like a great trip?

Barbara Rogers said...

Beautiful detail photos, interspersed with environment and family members! It does sound like a very full day. Having a wheelchair to push on trails can become rather limiting. Loved seeing Nessie in the lake, or her cousin I presume!

Aimz said...

I can see a nod to the loch ness monster in the first few photos - very cool.

Granny Sue said...

I am catching up with you today! You have made me long to return to Wales. We so enjoyed our time there in 2016. Aberystwyth was one of our favorite places on that trip.

gz said...

It was... didn't get as far as I planned, but spent more time at each place

gz said...

Her cousin !

gz said...

A water dragon of course..being in Wales!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. Love ❤️.