Sunday 18 August 2024

Morning wake-up



JayCee said...


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

What a great sight on drawing back the curtains. Nothing like that here, just the neighbourhood cats having an early morning scrap!

Barbara Rogers said...

Those are so cool! And with the silence of early morning, I bet you could hear when they turned on the gas to rise higher.

Fresca said...

I want those balloons for my alarm clock every morning!
I hope you have/had a lovely travel day.

Granny Sue said...

What a joyful sight!

Debby said...

Well, now that is a sight to wake up to, isn't it? How long did it take you to realize you weren't dreaming!

Red said...

I would still very much like to ide in a balloon.

gz said...

the riding would be interesting...but I think landings can be a problem!

Catalyst said...

That's a pleasant way to wake up.