Monday 5 August 2024

Back in the saddle

 I have been concentrating on shirt deconstruction...the quilt will be Ours..a combination of Pirate's shirts, both the ones that he wore and the ones of his that he liked me to wear, and some of mine.

The bike room is gradually being sorted...his newer desk emptied, bikes to one side mainly and boxes of tools in one place. This may be the spare bedroom and sewing room eventually..but the turbo trainer stays.

With the weather warning carrying on today, I rigged the bike up on the trainer and had a good pedal for half an hour.

It was strangely warm after a cold night last night...the mist was almost steam over the hills at the back.

Then back to unpicking after lunch. I am on shirt number six!


Jeanie said...

All that sorting is hard, sometimes emotional work. I'm glad you kept the trainer.

Granny Sue said...

You really stay busy! I am looking forward to seeing your quilt.

Susan said...

The quilt will make a beautiful blanket. 6 done and how many more will it take to complete the quilt? Having a trainer in your spare room will be very convenient.

Joanne Noragon said...

I like the view from your window. Homey...

Susan Heather said...

You are doing well with the unpicking.

angela said...

That is a lovely idea. Be sure to post pictures so we can see the process please

gz said...

I am not sure how many..I must discuss that with my daughter!

gz said... safe patch, workshop sheds, garden...