Sunday 14 July 2024

Garden tidying

 I started the day with house cleaning... pushing the vacuum around everywhere ....but as the sun was shining..Just went garden pottering...ground cover fleece over bare patches, compost on polytunnel beds and grass clippings as mulch. Getting the garden presentable.

Weeding here and digging out more thornless blackberry roots ...and shoots that have was cleared out as it has rust for two not a lot of fruit. Now it is trying for a subterranean takeover!

If I ever grow anything like that again, the roots will stay in a large tub!!

Then cleaning the rest of the garlic crop...the scapes are still not 100% dry so I can't plait and hang them

And the tomatoes..still rather skinny but beginning to set fruit.

So a low key day in the sunshine...16⁰C....yay!!!!


Fresca said...

Sunshine?!? I didn't know you ever got such a thing!
Good work--making hay (garlic).

Re your post a bit back---walking into a house that lacks its person (or pet) is one of the hardest things, I think.

Aimz said...

16 sounds good to me, especially if it's sunny with no rain. I think we will be planting tomatoes out in a few months, it'll be the end of Winter here soon.

JayCee said...

Yes 16C here too. Practically a heatwave!

Jeanie said...

We don't see tomatoes here till mid/end of August (at which point I think it's the only food I eat and buy tons for making sauce to freeze!) I love that you have this at hand -- or soon!

Susan Heather said...

Sounds like another productive day.

Susan said...

Your garlic and tomatoes look very promising. There is always weeding and mulching to be done. It is in the 90+ degree F range. My dog refuses to go for a walk in this heat.

Steve Reed said...

Ugh. Blackberries. I love the fruit, but the vines are the bane of any gardener's existence!

Granny Sue said...

Oh dear, we planted 6 blackberry plants this spring. I hope that wasn't a mistake.