Tuesday 30 July 2024

And repeat...


Second section cleared..I scraped a lot of dried moss off the slabs and it needs more work..but even now it looks a lot better.

10.20pm.  quite a burnt orange colour..


Tom said...

...cleaning, both inside and outside is never permanent.

Red said...

Just looking after a place keeps you busy.

busybusybeejay said...

Lovely photo.Barbarax

Barbara Rogers said...

I saw on FB that the sun's been up to something, so someone somewhere might have northern lights to see. Others unfortunately have wildfires and smoke to see. We've got a thunderstorm right now.

Red said...

I like your series on sunset.

Susan Heather said...

You are doing a great job.

angela said...

Looking great. Good job

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I need to do something like that in my back yard - not today though with temperature already 28 degrees this morning.

gz said...

John when the weather gets like that I work where the shade is...moving with it!

gz said...

Barb there have been Aurora sightings and meteor showers..it is always cloudy here when anything interesting is going on...and then there are streetlights and landing lights at Prestwick...

Fresca said...

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Looks nice and tidy now!

Susan said...

Nice job on the paths. They always look so good after renewing. I have patches of moss too. Vinegar and baking soda and then rinse with the hose helps me remove moss.

Steve Reed said...

'Tis the season to clear paving slabs! (As I was doing just a week or two ago.)