Saturday 27 July 2024

Carrying on..

 Yet more sorting...binning the worn out clothes that we had bought replacements for..but ended up at the bottom of the wardrobe "just in case"...I have a heap of washing, things to be decided on when clean.

Some items will go to Pirate's children..some to friends. Some fit and suit me.

Work uniforms can go to the air museum in Dumfries...he had planned that already..but I will take photos and email them to family...his nephew as well. They are so alike...and Pirate was his father figure..

I am doing it in hour long sessions... otherwise you kill any enthusiasm!

Lunchtime was partly frustrating.

I had advertised a coffee table on local fb marketplace..and found a taker..for free...first his car wasn't working properly... yesterday we were both going to be in he nominated which supermarket car park.

I arrived a quarter hour early...parked where my car could be seen from the road and also easily as you drive in.....

And I waited for 50 minutes..... standing by the car in the sunshine..quite pleasant.    

Apparently he arrived ten minutes after I did...but didn't get out of his car to find me...and expected me to be online to get a message saying "I've arrived"....and left the car park five minutes after I did....

Perhaps we should have exchanged phone numbers....but never mind, someone else  will want it!

The positive part of the outing is that I managed to buy a concrete paving slab to make a clay wedging and kneading bench...went round the whole yard looking for the right sort..and eventually found one right by the car!!

They don't make smooth surfaced slabs any more, unless they are vitrified porcelain..which is not atall absorbent...Health and safety, is the reason we concluded.  The one I found is smooth on the back...all the others were rough on both sides!!

One small step ahead for my to make a sturdy frame....


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

If I learned anything at all from having to clear my mother's house when she died, it was how difficult it can be to give perfectly good stuff away! We lost count of how many hopeful emails we got asking if we could deliver the free furniture to places that were miles away.

Fresca said...

"clay wedging and kneading"--oh, that sounds exciting, amid the other not-so-exciting chores.
Though recording then sending the uniforms to the museum is cool.
I am enjoying the tools of printmaking--the honing and carving and printing tools, the papers and inks...

Bovey Belle said...

I've got all that to do, though daughter Gabby is having one of Keith's very well-worn t-shirts which she remembers him wearing. He never chucked anything out - even when it was too bad to wear, it made a good polishing rag . . .

Glad you found the right slab in the end. I think crafts are great balm for the soul. Hopefully someone else will want the coffee table . . .

Steve Reed said...

Well, that's a bummer about the coffee table. But as you said, someone will want it. Do you have Freecycle up there? I've given away quite a few things on Freecycle here and it seems to work well.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great to limit the time doing the sorting! Shame that guy didn't connect for the table. I have a plaster slab for wedging and recycling clay, but need to clean it off. I gave it to a friend who uses brown clay, and I'm using white. She is not using it any more so gave it back, along with a bag of white clay that was hard. It's been soaking for about 3 weeks, so I'll start the process of reclaiming it soon. As soon as I feel up to clay work.

gz said...

I have a load of bikes and tools to sort and was his way of giving me an inheritance that his children couldn't complain about...

gz said...

We do have Freecycle, and the British equivalent, Freegle which has a few less regulations!