Thursday 18 July 2024

Day out in a tin overcoat

A drizzly day all day...down to see Phil at the Gallery in Lauriston for good coffee and cheese scones with ginger jam..and good craic.

Nine miles over the hill towards the sea to Gatehouse of Fleet..

And lunch....or rather all day veggie the Iron Brew....a laundry with café!  It included fried eggs on a sweetcorn fritters which I'd only ever had before in NZ....with avo on the side....the Scottish touch being a Tattie scone!!
Walking back down the high street...

I thought John GG would like this one....

I used to work with a Jardine in Porthmadog pottery...and of course there is "Bodyline".....

A slightly damp one of the town hall
And NCR 7

At the Mill on the Fleet

There was also a secondhand book emporium on the top about a sugar addict in a sweetie shop....but I resisted....

 The rain was steadily getting no more walking...a quick shop for essentials in Castle Douglas Co-op and then steadily home.

It is good having Bro here..a helping hand with some things, helpful suggestions with others...

Research on getting my website up and running again is carrying on.

We need to find the simplest and easiest and safest way of having sales from my website...I will have to talk to other potters....

And of course....get drawing and making...pots and prints....


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
What a pleasant outing - I really must get myself focused on a D&G tour with The Grey. As I drove over to Frockheim today, in the west, right up to Crieff, really, it was battleship grey and grizzly, with minimum visibility. We just have to roll with it, right?! YAM xx

JayCee said...

What a wonderful collection of photos. It looks like a great place to visit.

angela said...

Love all the gates especially the one with the green man.
What a beautiful place you live in.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great photos...I like how the misty damp shows in some of them. Tin raincoat wasn't explained however!

Susan said...

Rain generally does not stop me either and you had such an interesting walk with lots to see and take in. Lovely photos. Your brother is great company and very helpful.

Catalyst said...

What a tour! Good that you're getting out and about.

Joanne Noragon said...

A damp but pleasant day.

northsider said...

I love water wheels harnessing natures resources for free.

Fresca said...


gz said...

Barb, tin overcoat=car 😀

Will said...

Maybe worth consulting Kev Alvi ( about selling - sells a lot of his woodwork ideas.

Susan Heather said...

Another good day out. Eggs and sweetcorn fritters - yum.

Steve Reed said...

I've seen those cycling markers down here in London. I had no idea they extended all the way up your way -- but I guess it IS a national route, isn't it?

I love the painstakingly painted iron grate with the face!

Granny Sue said...

What a beautiful place, gz. So much architectural interest. Lunch sounds different and tasty, and I am envying you the rain.

Debby said...

I loved your photographs. You live in a beautiful place.