Monday 29 July 2024

Gardening and sky

 A quick dash into town this morning..birthday cards to buy and send..then back again to the fray!! Yet more washing, steadily getting there....and it was a beautiful afternoon...a good reason to mow the front lawn and start work on the paths, weeding and trimming around the slabs...

Worth the effort... although the job is done sitting on a fold up stool!!

Supper from the freezer, watching a video of Saturday's women's Olympic cross country MTB....and doing some mending!!

And again at 10.30....street lights...light pollution... mostly a waste of power, except at road junctions....and why we never see matters astronomical from here.


angela said...

A job well done. Even if your sitting on a stool
More and more that’s how I get things done

Tom said...

...weeding and trimming is like housework, it never ends.

Red said...

The sun sets here at 9:29.

Susan Heather said...

Another productive day.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Nothing wrong with sitting down to work! Caught Tom Pidcock's race yesterday - astonishing!

northsider said...

A nice neat job.

Susan said...

Your path looks good and maintaining the garden is a never ending task. I'll mow the lawn today before the rains. Your night sky is magnificent, the deep purple glow is quite something.

Steve Reed said...

There's always something to do! I'm pretty sure it's dark here at 10:30, but of course we have a lot of streetlights too!

Granny Sue said...

Looking good! I agree about street lights. So many people out here in our hills have them, and yet the little pools of light in our vast darkness do little good. I would much rather see the stars.