Monday 1 July 2024



A return to drawing...wheat and barley.

Not easy after a break.

The weather is back to cold wet and I am kicking my heels around the house. 

So many things to do, yet I want to get the next Celebration done first, on the 21st of this month... July already...

I have written cards to a couple of old friends of Pirate' we stayed with in NZ the other an old workmate in California who used to live in Ayrshire.  Plus a card to the widow of a workmate of his..he lived five miles away from here and I'm glad I called past them a little while after Pirate died.  He was a lifetime smoker of cigarettes and it was obvious then that he was seriously ill and failing. 

This afternoon I get the second one of the two part shingles jag. I reacted to the first a little, which was don't want no reaction as you need to know that your body is working against something "foreign"...but you don't want over-reaction either.  It isn't a "live" immunisation which is good. Once you've had chicken pox the virus sits there in your system until you get over stressed. I had it 45 years ago and I don't need anything like that again!!


Fresca said...

So nice to see you making art!
Grain is so beautiful.
You remind me, I need to get the shingles shot this summer.

Barbara Rogers said...

Lovely drawings. Yes the vaccinations are supposed to help, and I've had mine too.

northsider said...

Do you of Sally Seymours work GZ? She was married to the self sufficiency guru John Seymour. She illustrated many of his books and is also an accomplished potter. Your art is very good.

gz said...

Dave, only from her illustrations, which I always loved. Just had a quick goggle and I like her pottery as well!
I was a member of COG...Cardiff Organic Gardeners (which included some local farmers as well) and John Seymour visited us and gave a talk at one of our meetings in the Friends Meeting House in Charles Street in central 1976 I think.

DB Stewart said...

Those grain stalks are strong; like them, keep standing and growing as you wave from the winds.

Aimz said...

I feel for you having shingles. My late nana use to get it from stress and I remember her scratching literally all the time. Hope you find some respite.

Susan said...

Very nice ink sketches. Thankfully, you've got a few weeks before July 21. I have also had the shingles shots, #1 and #2.

Granny Sue said...

I am so in awe of anyone who can draw or paint!
I have never had chicken pox, oddly, or measles. So I don't think I need the vaccine?

Susan said...

Nice ink sketches. You have a couple of weeks to prepare for Jul. 21.

Jeanie said...

I need to get mine, too. I had shingles about 12 years ago and no, I have no desire to have them again! Good luck with the reaction.

gz said...

Granny Sue if you haven't had Chicken Pox you should be ok...but I think in that case they may do a scratch test to see if you react.
I think you may need the measles jag... apparently it is worse when contracted at an older age...I'm not sure how long natural immunity lasts either.. something to check

gz said...

Not shingles itself Aimz..just the immunization..and it isn't the live virus either