Wednesday 24 July 2024

Lunchtime in Largs

 A day out on the bus...a longer journey than I had expected...going into Ayr takes half an hour, Ayr to Largs takes just under two hours!!

I had about two hours wandering around the town, watching the ferry to Cumbrae (next time!) and having a look and chat at the gallery Studio44.

Quite a small gallery..front room size..with a selection of ceramics, glass, paintings and prints.

She has month long exhibitions, then a complete change to the next one..and is booked up until next year.  She is interested in both my pots and incentive to get going and to start with prepare the prints for sale and work out how much to charge!   At least I do have a stock of prints...

One of the local food thieves!!

I ate my packed lunch on the bus back from Largs...I didn't fancy sharing!


JayCee said...

That is quite a long bus journey - there and back - but seems to have been productive?

northsider said...

Sounds promising GZ. Good luck with your pottery and art work.

Barbara Rogers said...

Good to connect with a gallery to carry your work! Glad you didn't share your lunch!

Debby said...

Sounds hopeful!

Catalyst said...

I hope the gallery doesn't skim too much off your earnings. Good for the exposure though.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

When you visit Cumbrae perhaps you might treat yourself to one or two nights of B&B? It would be a real adventure. Have you been there before?

angela said...

I wouldn’t want to share either. Especial as, soon as he has some he calls all his mates to come over for a free feed too!
How exciting your going to sell your art. Definitely an incense to get going

Susan Heather said...

All up a long day out and most of it sitting in a bus but, at least, it sounds productive.

Granny Sue said...

I never thought about how artists find outlets for selling their work. The business side of art must be as difficult as it is for writers. I was fortunate to be a storyteller who worked as a librarian, because I had a wide network of contacts who often hired storytellers for performances in their libraries.

gz said...

25% Cat...which is very reasonable. Some have 100% markup, so take 50%...and if they are bigger with a higher turnover there is VAT/sales tax as I won't go in their direction!

gz said...

No I haven't YP. Like Arran, we were planning to but never did...

Fresca said...

So excited for you to share your work with the public!, GZ.
As I've just started printing and hope to continue, I face that funny "problem" (opportunity?)-what to do with extra prints?!
Your outings are always interesting to see--thanks for sharing here.

Susan said...

Beautiful photos. Lovely views make the trip. It seems you've found a nice gallery for your art and pottery. Will you display and sell online too?

Steve Reed said...

Well, hopefully that will turn out to have been a productive journey and you'll soon have a show!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck with organizing your exhibition for next year!

gz said...

Susan, my brother is working on my website for that.