Sunday 21 July 2024

Scottish Celebration of Pirate


I didn't get a photo of the hall and the people....but about eighty turned up...most of my family, and many sent apologies for being unable to be with us. Eight or nine shared memories after the initial talk by Dr Tom Smith.

Quite a few different clubs, although mainly Ayr Roads CC and Ayr Burners.

A few who were not from the world of cycling..and a few non cyclists drawn into that world...a lady who did event catering for Pirate when her daughter started cycling....a physio...and Dr Tom himself, who came to know the original ARCC when their club hut was sited the other side of the burn to his house....

I am hoping that others, especially those who sent apologies, will send me memories....and then these will go in the Book of Vic....


Tom said...

...a fine tribute.

Red said...

It sounds like some good memories wee shared today.

Fresca said...

Well lived, well loved.
His bike put a lump in my throat —even your blog friends miss him.
❤️ Love to you, GZ.

Granny Sue said...

He was much loved and revered, it is easy to see that. What a life he must have had.

angela said...

A wonderful send off.
Big hugs to you xx

Susan Heather said...

Another great send-off for Vic.

JayCee said...

There was a lot to celebrate in his life x

northsider said...

Sounds like a great day.

Tom Stephenson said...

That's a lot of memorabilia!

Susan said...

VP emulates a life well lived and your celebration/tribute shows a well loved and to be forever remembered fellow. You will be missed VP.

Debby said...

What a wonderful celebration of his life. How many countries and teams did he race for and in? He sure does have quite a collection of teeshirts!

gz said...

Tom S...that is only a small part of what I had to choose from....
Debby, 7 teams including the RAF. 7 countries plus England Scotland the Isle of Man and Wales.

Jeanie said...

I love the displays -- they tell the story of a life well lived and loved. I'm so glad you were surrounded by friends who knew and loved this remarkable sounding man. I was especially touched by the words on the photo -- "felt things deeply." You can't ask for more than that.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like a grand send-off for Pirate. Well done!