Thursday 11 July 2024

Getting out

 I spent most of today sorting and tidying...doing an hour at a time then having a break..worn out clothes getting the heave ho...his and mine...and setting aside those unneeded..his and mine! 

There are some things that I haven't looked at yet.... because I need to reduce my "spare tyre" before trying them on.....

An old coffee/child's play / work table has gone on farcebook marketplace locally..that gets collected tomorrow.  I can't remember where we got it from...but Pirate would never refuse an offer..even if we had no need or space for something!! At least now it has found someone who needs it.

All that done so time for a walk...round Hannahston, with a diversion to see how the future foraging may be.... An hour well spent.

Only one variety of wild pears has survived...again...and no plums...but the cooking apple looks promising as well as all the other apples.

First garlic lifting..the tops haven't dried, but this won't matter for these...they will be used quick enough!

Freezing the last of the gooseberries...I was glad to see that although I picked them early, they have carried on ripening..and where they are dark red they are delicious! Two boxes with 1½ lb each ( a total of 1360 g for those in metric) ..add the 2¼ lb in the jam, and a couple of handfuls om top of that...well over 5lb in total..not bad atall.


Tom said...

...I saw gooseberries at the store, they sure are expensive.

gz said...

Tom...danger money for the pickers, with those fierce thorns ?!

angela said...

You do live in a beautiful part of the world. And being able to go out and forage must be wonderful

Susan said...

You have gathered a wonderful harvest. Walking with lovely, all natural views is the best.

Susan Heather said...

Sounds like a good day. I will be very pleased if my garlic turns out anywhere near as good as yours.

Jeanie said...

Oh, the garlic! I must remember to plant some this fall. We use so much. Yours looks great. Lovely blooms and walking. (And I know that spare tyre thing well.... unfortunately!)