Tuesday 2 July 2024



July, and the heating is on!

1. It is two degrees colder today than yesterday 

2. My body is dealing with the jag, which I expected.

Keeping a low profile today!


Tom said...

...you "enjoy" a strange summer.

gz said...

I am not enjoying it Tom...we were warned that climate change here would mean wet and warmer winters..and wet and cooler summers...and the odd short blasts of hot or cold 😕

northsider said...

It's a very odd summer/year. Sunday morning was very cold and I had to wear a jumper.

Barbara Rogers said...

Be well, and maybe draw a little?

Jeanie said...

Heat is on here, too. It does warm up later in the day but I'm pretty tired of cold and rain.

JayCee said...

I hope you perk up a bit soon. This weather is definitely getting us all down.

Catalyst said...

About 34C here. Our heat is on too but it comes from the outside!

angela said...

With your temps being so high I guess a slight drop it’s good
We have woken up to extreme frost and cold. In the minuses
Our fire is roaring but we needed to turn on the heating to bring the house up to a comfortable temp
Staying inside hibernating sounds great to me

Red said...

That's some very miserable weather if the heat comes on.

gz said...

The problem is Angela that the higher temperature is not getting up to Scotland!

The bike shed said...

What is they say about Scotland - there are two seasons: June and Winter!

The bike shed said...

Catching up on your blog I have only just realised that Pirate has passed away... Oh, I am so sorry for you and hope you come through in your own way and time, for that is what we do, I think - not 'get over' but 'come through' with hope and joy in the memories we bring with us.
Take care Mx.

gz said...

Bike Shed, June felt like winter up here...

lea said...

I would like to thank you for a comment on Steve Reed's blog, Shadows and Light. It was about the disastrous Presidential "debate" here, you pointed out the Gish Gallop method, something I had never heard of. Even a friend of mine who majored in Speech had not heard of it until just recently. It certainly describes what the dangerous one used (intentionally or just his normal ranting).
from the left coast

Susan said...

Needing a fire to warm the house in July is very hard. I like the 4 distinct seasons in Massachusetts, US. Cold and snow/ice in the Winter, warm Summer and temperate in the Spring and Fall. That said, our Winters are now milder and we do not get the snow that we once did. The maximum snow the last couple years was no more than 4-6 inches per storm, sometimes less. 10-15 years ago we could get 1 to 3 feet in a single storm. One year we got 5 feet of snow and people were shoveling their house roof to reduce the weight.

gz said...

Thanks for your comment Lea.
I think it is intentional..and also his usual tactics.

As Joe said on the radio it is what he gets for doing it when jet-lagged...and to judge him not on seven minutes but on 4½ years....