Monday 22 July 2024

And then they were gone...

 Gradually all the family and friends who were staying here or near(ish) have left for home.

Today has been cleaning and tidying and washing....and drying!! day...then shopping this evening.  I don't like self checkouts, but at least that gave me a quiet shop.

It just feels too quiet....

But tonight, after a lovely sunny afternoon, there has been a beautiful sky.. photos taken at 9pm and 11pm...

And life goes on....


Aimz said...

yes, sadly a fact of life is that it goes on. Hope you're doing ok.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I know that sudden feeling of quiet and loneliness when everyone goes home - you're wise to keep yourself busy at those times. Whoever invented those self-checkouts and thought they were a good idea?

JayCee said...

Sunsets like those remind me that life can be beautiful.

gz said...

Aimz I am getting there. It isn't easy...but then if it was we wouldn't have cared and loved so deeply and truly.

Fresca said...

Oh, GZ, I'm sorry, it isn't easy, but no, of course it isn't when you've lost someone who loved you so well, and you loved him...
and the quiet after the everyone goes home makes itself known so keenly.
You are brave and are doing well in taking care of what you need to take care of (garden, art space, you...).

Those layers of sunset.

Debby said...

Life does go on, and I really do admire the way that you are gracefully navigating these sad days. Practically, lovingly, mindfully, sensibly.

northsider said...

Super sunsets. You should plan more meet ups with family and friends GZ.

Barbara Rogers said...

Another step in life has happened, the gathering in remembrance, then the scattering of friends and relatives. I send virtual soft hugs as you move forward with your new life. You've been putting a lot of energy into remembering and memories, and there's now a mental switch that turns back to the present and future. I love your collection of sunsets this summer, amazingly late in the day.

Susan said...

Some days are hard. Keeping active as you do with friends and especially your cycling interest will be helpful. Your sky is very beautiful.

gz said...

Dave, meetups planned...well we had started doing them I have to carry on. I have invites from longstanding friends to take up as well.

Jeanie said...

It's a mixed bit, isn't it, when they all leave. Yes, too quiet. And yet, you can chill and relax. I never know which I feel most!