Sunday 14 July 2024

Reflected glory


Sitting here blogging, at 10 pm....and looked up....



Tom said...

...10pm here, it's dark!

Susan Heather said...

Red sky at night, shepherds' delight.

angela said...

So pretty. And so many red and pinks skies
While visiting my friend and I always feel asleep with the sun up and woke early to still more sun
Your long days were exhausting. Although to be fair we did lots of walking making sure we saw everything lol, our longest day ends around nine

Red said...

I like your series on sunsets.

northsider said...

You certainly have an eye for catching the moment. Super photo.

gz said...

Thankyou..just a matter of doing it
..then thinking!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
As I scrabble around the Hutch, (doing more thinking than actual doing in prep for heading out on the next adventure), I am grateful for those still-long evenings... but also notice already their shortening... YAM xx

Fresca said...

Wow! The pink glow...

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful! Light at this time of year can be incredible. (When it's not cloudy, as it is here today!)

Jeanie said...

Oh my. It's breathtaking.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog