Sunday 30 June 2024

Garden.. progress

 Bit by bit....with a break to meet friends for a cuppa....should have checked when their ride would be just had the cuppa.

The garden is crying out for "summer"....I had thought that the squash plants would be well on their way and ready to go out.....

The tomatoes are getting taller...but are rather skinny...

But the paths are just about clear. The grass on the sides needs another cut to be short enough for the mower...but it is ok for now.

The flowers are blooming in the garden...high time I weeded the pots where the roses are growing!!


Tom said...

...I like the stripped rose!

Katerinas Blog said...

I think the garden is in a very good way!!
Have a nice Week!

Susan said...

You have a large garden and everything is growing well. The roses are beautiful and the fruit and veg are well on their way to producing a harvest. You accomplished many garden tasks today. Nice work.

angela said...

There is always something to be done in the garden
It’s just having the time and energy to do it all that’s missing

Bovey Belle said...

A productive garden. Love the roses - must get another Rosa mundi - left the other one at the old house as well-established. I have Tuscany Superb (planted by Ghengis's grave, and with Theo's ashes aat its roots) just coming into flower.

My greenhouse is calling me to Pot Things On . . . especially the cucumbers, which have FINALLY decided they may grow.

gz said...

Tom, Rosa Mundi

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Some very nice roses. Pity that everything else is so far behind - I guess they'll catch up as soon as we get some sunshine.