Sunday 16 June 2024

Fathers Day

 1973..a two up time trial with my dad...who was the same age as my oldest now, 43.


Fresca said...

Coolest photo ever! Were you enjoying yourself?

Tom said...

...Happy Father's Day to all fathers.

Barbara Rogers said...

I didn't realize you were a second generation cyclist! Super photo of you both!

JayCee said...

Great photo x

Debby said...

I did not realize that your father was a biker also. Is that how you and Pirate met?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Fabulous! These are the memories that sustain... YAM xx

Steve Reed said...

Great photo and great memory!

gz said...


gz said...

Third generation trackie!

gz said...

A good event despite being a chilly damp autumn day!

gz said...


northsider said...

What a picture. It really is wonderful. You should put in on a T shirt GZ.

gz said...

It sits above my desk Dave.

Most odd....I managed to find the way that you respond to individual comments.....but blogger hasn't left them with the comments they were replies to!!

Ah well...back to method number one !!

angela said...

What a lovely photo and a great memory
Father’s Day here is in September I think we went along with the USA

Red said...

Good photo of you and your Dad.

Granny Sue said...

Great photo, such energy emanates from it!

Joanne Noragon said...

A happy father's day to all, and certainly to the fathers who left us so long ago.

Catalyst said...

Time Passages

Andrea Ingram said...

Nice. On the highways with the Byways