Wednesday 1 May 2024

Sorting and friends

 I bit the bullet....going through boxes to pull out relevant programmes and cuttings....but then having to go through everything again didn't make sense.

Most of today has been pulling out the recycling, and shredding old bills. If they are over two years old they aren't needed..unless they are business papers then it is seven years.

Pirate had shredded a I have those left up to 2012 when we got together! 

At least I have our paperwork sorted...all I need to remove is the bills and statements from 2022/21.

It looks chaotic...but it does make sense...cycling paperwork, photos, work history...and so on.

It is what we discussed and he agreed needed to be done. I just wish that he hadn't left it to me to finish!!

Lunch was Out!!
I met his old friend and competitor in a village café half an hour away, on his way home from the Velodrome in Glasgow.
He had chosen a lovely gift...dwarf yellow roses in a pot. He remembered that Vic loved yellow roses. He really misses their morning phone chats.

Vic made such an impression on so many people...and many are feeling a bit lost now that he isn't if it just isn't right.
Talking helps.

I have friends who run an antique and secondhand emporium in the same took some of my own belongings to sell....a nice £30 that is very welcome!!

Tuesday 30 April 2024


 I didn't take any photos today!

But I did get decrinkled and relaxed by our chiropractor...a great friend of ours....and had a bear hug from him...he misses Pirate too.

Then spent most of the rest of the day seeing friends and talking, then messaging and phoning until supper.

Doing them good, doing myself good.

Still no photos...but gradually making space.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Evening and morning

 Last night's Sunset..I wonder if it was Sahara dust or just the angle of the setting sun that gave the colours?

A similar shot with was a bit more orangey pink than that.

It was a really cold night and a frosty windscreen morning, with bright sun.

I went to see the Sunday car boot at Ayr Racecourse.  Rather disappointing...but I did find these two....

They will be good to use.

I couldn't find a wheel or tyre and tube for my barrow...a certain DIY store had sold probably isn't the right time of year to be looking for them!!

Saturday 27 April 2024



Started...hoed between the garlic and I will do a little mowing to get a mulch ( thanks Dave)

I was given a full tray of lettuce seedlings..I  think neighbour showed a whole packet...I gave a clump away this afternoon and have potted up six more clumps.

Now to find a home for the rest!

Paperwork proceeds. I have started the closing down of Pirate's phone , and saved £5 a month on my tariff. ( A different company)

I think that I have notified all official that I need to...and the subscriptions.

It has been such a fine day that I just ended up starting the day taking a car full to the cowp and returned with 4 bags of free compost....and apart from phone sorting and a visitor for afternoon tea ..I have been outside!!

I should be upstairs sorting through papers and photos.....

Thursday 25 April 2024

Walk and acquisition

The Isle of Arran with the Clyde shining

Marsh marigolds
Young beech leaves, just the right time to make Noyeau
Wood anemones..did you say them as Wooden Enemies first?!
Gean..wild cherry blossom
Blackthorn...hoping for sloes


Not sure what this is called....Garlic mustard?

I was pleased that our usual walk still only took an hour... after such a long break I thought I would have been slower.

Then yesterday I acquired a "new" lawnmower for £10.....

Job done, what grass there is is tidy and the compost heap has just enough for one layer.. exercise done and no fuel used!

Paperwork proceeds slowly...but Pirate is now accepted by the Glasgow medical school for research... carrying on helping folks as he did throughout his life.
I have the unenviable job of searching through his papers for photos and matters for a display and for use in a printed item...his Celebration day in Kent is in just under a I need to get on with RSVPs....and up here we are arranging his usual big birthday ride...which he had every five years!

He had been aiming to have a Possee party in Kent in May, then his birthday celebrations....just a pity that he ended in a rush and couldn't make these in person..but his spirit will be there at both.

Sunday 21 April 2024


first from the front..the hill in the background is actually the Northern end of the Isle of Arran by Lochranza.

Then the moon rising from the rear of the house.


After the rain, a breath of fresh air


It has been mostly a beautiful week..a relief to get out and relax between carrying on with the tidying and sorting that we started having a real push on two years ago.

Steady progress, no rushing..the worn out shoes...the piles of till receipts...I'm glad that we had started already as doing this from scratch now would have been hard.

Then late this morning until mid afternoon it gently rained...and now it is warm, the clothes are out on the line and birds are singing.

I have met with friends at the coffee stop at the end of their cycling club run yesterday..all twenty! But they split into two groups to make it easy for other traffic and also the ability and fitness of the two groups.

They always meet at the end...which makes it easy for those who miss the run or just want to catch up with friends.

Now I have a relatively tidy living room, the next job is to sort photos and cuttings.

I need to get proper acid free albums with Glassene (sp?) between each pair of pages..

And when the mammoth job of sorting Pirate's photos has been done..I must stay on a roll and do mine!

One thing that I will do is scan all the photos and email them to every family member so that everyone has a copy Then keep the originals together in one archive instead of splitting up the whole.