Saturday, 7 October 2017

more dogwalking and travelling and family

We drove 50 miles to meet up with Pirate's elder daughter for a muddy dogwalk...before driving 100 miles to have supper with the younger and her fiance. A most enjoyable meal...and driving 90 miles back to where we were staying with my brother.

The things you do when people wont or can't come to meet or stay !

Then a two hour drive to see a friend who has a beautiful garden .
So lovely I forgot to use my camera!
Over the pass by Hay Bluff to Hay on Wye for a brief visit to the weekly Thursday market where I used to sell my pots.  It was to see and buy from past fellow stall holders- we needed new socks!
Onwards and upwards over to Aberystwyth and another family visit to Daughter and family for the weekend !

We visited a shop in Aberystwyth with my framed prints...maybe...the staff liked them, the manager will be back in November...fingers crossed...I'm getting good feedback, so good incentive to get printing when we get back home.


smartcat said...


Barbara Rogers said...

Great to hear of your travels and visits with relatives. Fingers and toes crossed about your cards being carried by the shop.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

So much driving, but is is so good to spend time with loved ones.