Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Getting ready

 Monday I just mooched around and recovered from the weekend!!

I've got my room sorted of tidy and bags packed for the bus trip to Hamilton tomorrow....might take more things out of the bags tomorrow.....

I had lunch in the Mud Ducks then a wander around town this afternoon....look at that array of solar panels...power to a gym complex!!
Then watching friends on the velodrome practising...

Doing a couple of Kierins.... Japanese style racing...for 3 laps behind the pacer as it gradually increases speed...then it pulls off with 3 laps to go!!

Quiz night again tonight , and we were second for the third week running!! Unfortunately joint second, and we sent the wrong person up to answer the tiebreak...
How many feature films did Alfred Hitchcock direct,????

Our bod said 5....the other said 9....which was the nearest...to 53!!

Sunday, 2 February 2025


 I forgot two things today....my hat ...I do wear a headscarf...and my phone to take photos!!

I had a good day, out early with a friend as instead of racing, she was on duty as first aider at the road races.

A misty morning as we drove the 15 km up to Brunswick above Whanganui where the 11km circuit is.

Officials' briefing over, riders started arriving. Two pairs of races, the second of each starting when the first had done two laps...so some did 6 laps, others 4...two hours between the pairs so the course was clear for the second batch.

After a while the sun got really hot...and despite moving to watch in the shade of some big trees I now have a rather red face! Aloe Vera is being applied....

There is a big twisty downhill, then the same up...but fortunately the one rider who fell.off did so on a straight stretch near the end of the first lap...and he refused first aid...

Despite leaking some blood, we reckon what was most injured was his pride!!

The wind got up between the two sets of races and the clouds rolled over...but the possible 40% chance of rain turned to the 60% chance of dry...so after I arrived back it was washing time!! And both hair and clothes are nicely dry.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Masters Games 2

 A quick change then on foot, first a wander through the Original Gypsy Fair..their travels usually coincide with the masters games.

A massive of happy people, playing, dancing, music, things to buy.. beautiful work. I fancied a couple of items as presents...but glass might not survive the journey and metal was too heavy.

Then a walk back along the other bank of the River to the Saturday market to see how a Team Arrow club mate was doing..she makes and sells cushions..and a Mezze bowl for lunch in the Mud Ducks..where else!

Before the track competition at the velodrome where , despite the low numbers, there was good competitive racing...and our team member did brilliantly!!

Blogger didn't want to.put this one of the fair in the middle..but here it is anyway!

Masters Games

 Things are getting busy now the games have started!

I'm not competing... although the road time trial and track were tempting...if I competed anywhere it would be here...but I am just not fit enough. I'm working on it!

Friday afternoon was the road time trial.

You couldn't ride on the course, but there is a good cycle and foot path, 3 metres wide that you can watch from.

Then late afternoon then opening and Powhiri ( a welcome from the community) which didn't seem as accessible as usual..they have changed the set up of where it is held. I think I may have posted a video I made in 2019 ...will have to check.

However just before that there was a drumming group in a square just by the main street...

This morning started with a ride out to Okoia for the hill climb...I didn't ride any further than the start, but it was interesting seeing all the different starting styles!...and again, as as the time trial, talking to friends and acquaintances, people who remember Pirate too.

The oldest lady rider...over ten years older than me..and her car registration is OMA !!

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Carrying on

 Yesterday I gave a hand shifting beds and mattresses...this place will be full for the masters games!  Another afternoon nap before I rode over to our coach's home for a club spin session..

I just turned my legs over.. still tired..but the chatting before and after the session, and a cuppa and garlic bread after is all part of it!

Today has been showery all day.. hopefully getting the rain over before the games!!

I walked into town....got some ready cash and rewarded my 3 kg loss with a hot chocolate and a muffin...with yoghurt of course!

Then back "home" to dry off and do some drawing..

Before an early-ish night... listening to the rain dripping....

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

A ride..with mountains

 Typical!..I do the usual....and blogger decided to put the photos in reverse!

Taranaki in view
Love it!
Bus stop...drink and eat before returning 

♥️ The same age as me...and in better condition!!

Look at the postbox....


I haven't been up either tower..

Pirate took my camera up this one years ago!

Not for bikes!...not the stairs!! But there is a stairs competition in the Masters Games....

This is why I took the elevator.....and I should have taken it down as well as up! I'm not good at downhill either!!

Anyway, I did 32km...20 miles..with camera stops, mainly on the way out. It's the most I've ridden in two years....and it's great to get back to it!.... But I did have a good afternoon nap, before walking to the velodrome to see friends then going to the quiz at Stellar...as d our team was second for the second week running!