Yesterday was very windy...
But I enjoyed a wander around saying 'Bye...for friends.
Then in the evening a last spin session in the gym, returning the borrowed bike and home for a late supper.
I didn't feel the small tremor centred at Levin , but I did hear the effects of the 2.1 tremor at 10.02 with the a Wellington centre....not a shaking but a creaking ceiling! Proud to put a report into Geonet. When I saw what had caused the creaking!!
Then a fitful last night in Whanganui, before getting a lift from a friend to the airport there...only about 5 or 6km from the Stayplace, but too far to walk with cases!!
The big case gets a wobble on on tarmac or concrete as I found going from the Domestic to the International terminal at Auckland airport!! Follow the rubber taped green line as it rolls fine !!
The flight to Auckland was good.. including the Tim Tam biscuit!!...and faster than expected..must have had a tailwind!!
I arrived here at 11.20, so I could have taken the next plane on AirChathams...but it is best not to run things too close!
A good salad wrap, then hang around for four hours until checkin opens at 5....four hours before the flight!! But better than risking missing a flight.
Nice and airy!....but not as much as Brisbane...and unlike Brisbane the seats are hard wood wouldn't sleep on these!!