Friday, 9 May 2014

May already!

                                            "  Wheat and oats and barley grow..."
and a young hare waits for the tractor to finish fertilizing His field
We mended the side of a "stick shed" in exchange for several trailerloads of its contents...good dry forewood.
This door hasn't worked for twenty years!!
Then we tested the firewood....

We look after another garden, lawns and veggies.  Everything is growing nicely, apart from the Dwarf Beans. It is still damp and cold-so that is probably the reason.

First week of treatment nearly done.  I'm not sure if it isn't the commuting making The Pirate feel tired as much as if not more than the "zapping"....100 mile round trip for six minutes actual lying think that many people drive this and more and work a full day.   That doesn't feel like any kind of life.
However The Beatson is the cancer centre for the whole of the West of Scotland, and it is a very big, busy and good place.....with awful parking!!!


smartcat said...

Well, you look like you are managing to stay busy and out of trouble. Glad to see that the wood works! :)
Having been through the long travel time for radiation therapy with two different family members, I agree that riding is exhausting. Both seemed to get cold very easily. (Of course it was the dead of winter with accompanying horrible weather.) I found having a thermos of hot chicken broth that could be sipped on the way home helped a lot.
Toes crossed that everything will go well!

Zhoen said...

I remember it as "Oats, pease, beans and barley grow."

Careful with that toast.

Sandy Miller said...

SPRING! Garden looks wonderful! You sure live in some beautiful country. Best of luck and hope your both up and dancing soon!

kjsutcliffe said...

Yes, this year is flying by, looks like you are keeping yourselves busy - keep well x

red dirt girl said...


Jenny Woolf said...

I'd be so proud if that was a garden I'd looked after. I'm glad you have a specialist cancer centre within reach, even though a long commute is draining. I can't understand folk who want to commute to work either. In Victorian days you hear about people who WALKED ten miles each way to work....