Friday 2 October 2015

Riding the Bikes

Riding behind the derny pacing bike at Maindy outdoor velodrome in Cardiff.

Enjoying the company of friends from Brisbane.  He rides and races on the bike.
She rides a bike a little but sticks to competitive weightlifting, being very short sighted.   I haven't seen them for about ten years, but its good to have a friendship where you just click in back together as if you last saw each other yesterday.

 We've been helping get the house ready to sell
 I snapped a chain on my road bike

 but had a good view whilst waiting for the Oily One to give me a lift home
 found an Elephant Hawkmoth caterpillar and put it safe after taking his portrait
 and saw the full moon going to bed in the morning


Fresca said...

Chunky bike, chunky caterpillar! I so enjoy your photo essays.

I had to look up "derny pacing bike" to learn what it is (semi-motorized).

molly said...

That moth is a gruesome looking creature. But the moon was gorgeous Sunday night/Monday morning!